Maestro's death finally revealed. The end of a long saga

Well it's about time we found out the truth. The MROC YouTube channel released a quick video showing the events of it all. Here's the link

Quite interesting to see that not even the combined power of 7 powerful individuals couldn't take down the Maestro, and Doctor Strange had to summon alternate dimension variants of themselves to bring down the now dead god.

Really hope this is the final nail in the Maestro's story.
What do y'all think about this? 🤔

Quite interesting to see that not even the combined power of 7 powerful individuals couldn't take down the Maestro, and Doctor Strange had to summon alternate dimension variants of themselves to bring down the now dead god.

Really hope this is the final nail in the Maestro's story.
What do y'all think about this? 🤔
even if I probably won't get him.
It did not feel organic to me. Like I was told a gun was important to a murder mystery, and at the end I find out that the owner of the gun ran the victim over with a cement truck.
Maybe this gets remedied in the later parts. But we'll see.