Masteries as a free to play player.

Hello fellow summoners!
I have a quick question, so I'm a free to play player and as such I've been wondering should I be keeping my units in order to unlock some of the more expensive masteries (deep wounds, liquid courage, willpower etc) or should I focus on a more budget approach to the masteries? (Currently at act 5, Summoner Level is 32)
I have a quick question, so I'm a free to play player and as such I've been wondering should I be keeping my units in order to unlock some of the more expensive masteries (deep wounds, liquid courage, willpower etc) or should I focus on a more budget approach to the masteries? (Currently at act 5, Summoner Level is 32)
Providing images would be helpful.
That said, setting your sights on Precision, Cruelty and Recovery gives you a good path forward. They also cost a fair amount to unlock as well, which will keep your units busy.
Parry and Dexterity are two essential masteries that don't require you to go down any lengthy paths to get to. It's kind of weird that they are in the mastery system (and therefore can be forgotten/overlooked by new players) instead of just an automatic part of the game, but it is what it is.
I've settled on a nice, conservative, well rounded mastery set.
Probably will annoy some players
Note that the 4 pts in mystic dispersion is the most expensive option there .. and it comes in handy for the likes of Doom, Claire, Longshot, etc.
Don't worry too much about it .. unless you're using some big mystics frequently .. then try to save for it .. after you have all the others.
ie the class specific masteries should be the last thing you look at
The other stuff is more important.
In my honest opinion .. I'd consider this priority in the masteries .. onces marked with "**" are what I consider critically important and hence should rush them if you can.
Rest are either to get to the important ones, or just personal preference
Limber (Pro) +1
**Dexterity (Pro) +1
Vitality (Def) +1
Gtr. Vitality (Def) +1
**Block Prof (Def) +1
**Perfect Block (Def) +2
**Block Prof (Def) +3
**Perfect Block (Def) +2
Salve (Def) +1
Recovery (Def) +3
Energy Resist (Def) +1
**Willpower (Def) +1
Strength (Off) +1
Gtr Str (Off) +1
Pierce (Off) +1
L.Precision (Off) +1
L. Cruelty (Off) +1
**Precision (Off) +2
**Cruelty (Off) +3
**Precision (Off) +2
**Cruelty (Off) +2
Ext. Fury (Off) +1
Despair (Off) +1
Deep Wounds (Off) +1
**Assassin (Off) +1
Parry (Pro) +2
Stupefy (Pro) +3
Coagulate (Def) +1
Enh. Fury (Off) +2
Glass Cannon (Off) +2
Petrify (Pro) +1
Pacify (Pro) +1
Limber (Pro) +4
Inequity (Def) +1
Mystic Dis (Pro) +4
I would personally go with suicide masteries. Because they save a lot of time. And for me personally, they save me between 30 en 45 minutes a day because I am a decently heavy arena grinder. (150-180 rounds per 3 day cycle)
But if you hardly do arena they become less important, but still make the game faster.
If you want more freedom you can also just skip them. Plenty of endgame players do not have them. And can complete any content released to date. Just slower.
If anyone is wondering my current mastery setup is:
Strength 1
Greater Strength 1
Courage 3
Pierce 1
Lesser Precision 1
Lesser Cruelty 1
Precision 1
Cruelty 2
Vitality 1
Greater Vitality 1
Block Proficiency 4
Energy Resistance 2
Parry 3
Limber 1
Stupefy 3
Dexterity 1
Long story short I have 6 stony mastery cores, I was thinking of unlocking recovery but a friend told me it's not worth upgrading unless I have a champion that can regen (currently I don't).