Show me your best battlegrounds moments

Show me your most impressive kills. Turns out coming back after three months and jumping into a new mode instantly is quite difficult, but I’ve had a few decent fights.

Uh yeah I like masacre as you can see lol
Last one I just thought it was funny og punisher survived that long

Uh yeah I like masacre as you can see lol
Last one I just thought it was funny og punisher survived that long
This was my favorite so far. I didn't think I have an ideal matchup, but my opponent did. I still managed to pull it off.
I don't know, practicing tigra is somewhat paying off.
My best so far, willpower healing from mr neg then the sp2 bomb
Now just to pull him as a 6*…
Jokes aside I love battlegrounds and have had a few close games. Sadly I've only played 20 and about 15 were disconnects
The amount of things that went my way in this picture
It was really cool seeing my name at the top of the board!
Ma saa kre
Please do so. He is very underrated
Felt good
Kt1 quit the second fight lol
The absolute BEST PART of Battlegrounds. Disconnecting from EVERY SINGLE MATCH and being given an instant loss. This is stupid as hell. **** this game mode.
e where I should post it.
Second one i was confused how they timed out by still koed the defender at 100% hp
First one is how is ihulk at 0% hp. That should mean he's dead.
Some of my most memorable moments
Above average block proficiency
Lot of debuffs to mitigate healing with despair
I think I have played enough. Not going to spend more energy on a Beta. So far it had been fun.
and I won the fight and lost the match (restarted the game then entered the fight with 90-s)
Some of my favourites