Best counters for 7.4.6 Kang Boss

This post has been made to help those players who are waiting/planning for the Kang boss fight and looking out for the best counters or looking out for some tips.
Not only this post will help those players who are currently doing 7.4 , But at the same time act as a little guide for the future players!
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• Who is that one particular champ that helped you the most for that boss fight ?
• If you have done exploration and tried various options . What are the best counters for the 7.4.6 Kang according to your *personal opinion*.
• Any tips for those jumping into 7.4 or regarding the boss? If you have got any , do share them without any hesitation!
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Thank you!
Not only this post will help those players who are currently doing 7.4 , But at the same time act as a little guide for the future players!
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• Who is that one particular champ that helped you the most for that boss fight ?
• If you have done exploration and tried various options . What are the best counters for the 7.4.6 Kang according to your *personal opinion*.
• Any tips for those jumping into 7.4 or regarding the boss? If you have got any , do share them without any hesitation!
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Thank you!
Also king groot is good but its much slower
BWCV with armor up local node.