Share your hauls from 7.4!(your friendly neighborhood brag post)

So, I as many, have just finished 7.4, and I had a field day with the rewards, so I'd like to share them here! Feel free to do so yourself in this post as well!

Picked Fishbowl.
Took Hercules to R3 with rank up gem. Got him from Carina challenge cosmic/tech crystal last week.
And champs that I got. Immediately took Claire to R2.
Only bad pull was 6* mystic awakening gem 😕
God I was tired of playing with r3 unduped rulk for a year lol
Good luck to the rest of you
Took her to r4. Got a science gem and used it on Mr Negative. Finally I duped iBom.
Was a tough nexus went with aegon because I have a gem
got a science AG and im deciding where i want to use that right now
Super pumped about most of these
Kabam’d again
You Underestimate Annihilus. Plus he is an amazing Defender for Battlegrounds
Kang was fun but aggravating. I will wait until the controls are fixed to do the other paths. I used Torch. Quite a few revives. But he is a good option.
I also got a cosmic AG. I'm waiting on the BIS refresh to buy a discounted 6* featured crystal, so I haven't spent the 6* shards yet.
As for my rank-ups, I took up Mr. Negative and Claire Voyant with my two 1-2 gems. We'll see who I end up using the 2-3 gem on. I have quite a few champions who could get it: other than those two, Professor X and Scarlet Witch (Sigil) could get it. Or maybe Kitty, if I were to pull her from the featured crystal.
Could have been worse and not had any options but that's a lot of stones into a champ I'm not super crazy about. Ah well, he'll help finish one of the Abyss challenges easier and get catalysts to rank someone I really want to.
My rewards went…fairly well I would say.
Went the King Groot dupe (been looking for that for a while, and actually pulled a 2nd cosmic awakening gem from the rewards I would have given to him if I hadn’t pulled him here
Gamora was chosen from the second one, new champ and is getting a ‘buff’ next month, so hopefully that pulls through
Third one was the DPXF awakening, who is getting an overhaul in the coming months, so once again, banking on that buff
Obviously went Corvus from the 4th, and popped a cosmic gem straight into him, that was easily one of my top cosmic pulls
5th one was actually rough, didn’t want any of them. Went for Namor, but there wasn’t a good option for my account
My Cosmic nexus sucked, went for the Cull dupe but there was no value for me anywhere there
Completion Reward Were Good
I hadn't been pulling great 6 star Champs for quite some time.
Used Gem on Herc and took him to R3.