Dev Diary shortcomings

TrenzaloreTrenzalore Member Posts: 182 ★★★
edited March 2022 in General Discussion
Just watched Rich the man’s recent post about what has and hasn’t been delivered from dev diaries. He makes some pretty decent points. Kind reminds you what all has failed to be delivered by Kabam.

What things that were delivered were you happiest to see and what are you mad that hasn’t been delivered as promised?


  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,368 ★★★★★

    Roadmaps are always fluid, and we are very transparent about that. When we share our intentions for the future, we do so earnestly, but that does not mean that things won't change along the way. This is a common part of software and game development. No matter how hard we try, and no matter how well things go, there can always be wrenches thrown in the cogs or changes of priorities along the way. For example, a global pandemic.

    We need to be able to pivot and extend timelines where they are needed. We always try our best to deliver on what we present in the timeline we presented them, but there will always be extenuating circumstances.

    Hey Mike, just a genuine question here, when should we be expecting masteries 2.0 late 2022? Early/mid 2023 it would be great if we could get a timeframe for it, cause it would be a pretty great QOL improvement,
  • noregrets100noregrets100 Member Posts: 29
    @Kabam Miike really? Blame it on the pandemic? Take some ownership. A little communication goes a long way. You can blame delays on “wrenches thrown in the cogs”, but communication? Surely you can’t blame the ability communicate and provide more consistent updates on anything other than the the lack of consideration for your player base. What a cop out.
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,654 ★★★★
    well i don't see why folks should be frustated about it? it is an roadmap and creating something from roadmap along with other things to do for example releasing content takes time. it's not wonder why they decided to stop sharing the roadmap because all we do is backlashing them back and forth when we, we as in mostly, might have forgotten they are also human and can't be speeding more than they can. reading data codes is not always easy as it's an trial and error.
  • Ken1378Ken1378 Member Posts: 279 ★★★
    Daddrieda said:

    well i don't see why folks should be frustated about it? it is an roadmap and creating something from roadmap along with other things to do for example releasing content takes time. it's not wonder why they decided to stop sharing the roadmap because all we do is backlashing them back and forth when we, we as in mostly, might have forgotten they are also human and can't be speeding more than they can. reading data codes is not always easy as it's an trial and error.

    Well, let’s be clear what folks are frustrated by. It’s not just a few delayed Road Map items and a few more items that were dropped. It’s over half the Road Map being delayed or dropped. Look at Rich’s spreadsheet, 2/3 of it is red or orange.

    It’s absolutely unreasonable to expect everything to be completed on time. Things happen, people get that. But I think most people were expecting more than half the things in the Road Maps to get delivered. And that just hasn’t happened.

    And of course, the lack of communication makes it all worse.
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