Is Captain America infinity war still worth r3 as a 6* and full sigs?

Cap366Cap366 Member Posts: 130
edited April 2022 in Strategy and Tips
I just duped my 6* capiw. I was wondering if he was worth pumping sigs to sig 200, over new 6*s like overseer or mr fantastic( who I have unduped at r2.

Is Captain America infinity war still worth r3 as a 6* and full sigs? 70 votes

Yes he is! Full sigs and full rank up.
SnakeEyes69heruheru511SpeedbumpcausticTheCipeHammerbro_64BrokenDooberman420Zeronaut81Nathan_MilburyIvarTheBonelessKappa2gphil56201Cosmicspiderman777Ben550pMobile_P0tat0JollyHawkCage_1mgj0630Ewell65SSS69 49 votes
Yes only if you enjoy playing him
GamerCrys23Deeparvijdrum663TheVyrusDenzel116PikoluBugmat78Thoye3ErcarretMCOCHazzaSoyheyor123SkyLord7000Hrishikesh713ScrubhanChaosMax1012SpecMMatthew950Vance2_jr 19 votes
No save for other science champs.
Etjama 1 vote
No, he’s fallen off the top.
Pintzz 1 vote
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,294 Guardian
    Yes only if you enjoy playing him
    If you don't enjoy the man, then he isn't worth the sigs or r3. Don't follow mainstream rankups you will never use.
  • SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★
    Yes only if you enjoy playing him
    Definitely has a better sig then MF or Overseer. Don’t use my max 5* anymore though. So yes if you enjoy playing with him :)
  • PintzzPintzz Member Posts: 297 ★★
    No, he’s fallen off the top.
    He used to be for sure but now there are better options and utility.
    He was my first max sig 6 star. And helped me through a lot of content but sadly I don’t use him for much anymore.
    All depends on your roster but 6 star sig stones are still one of the top valued materials in the game.
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    Yes only if you enjoy playing him
    Mine is 6r3 sig 200 - I still use him in Cav EQ (regularly) and in story quest (occasionally).
  • Denzel116Denzel116 Member Posts: 537 ★★★
    Yes only if you enjoy playing him
    The biggest factor is if you enjoy playing with the champ.

    Because let me tell you, i have a high ranked Ghost and she does hit hard but she’s boring…to me. I rarely use her. But I use miles morales for every quest.
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,580 ★★★★★
    Yes he is! Full sigs and full rank up.
    He is an amazing counter to cav omega sentinel. So much utility and damage. What else do u need now?
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,070 ★★★★★
    Yes only if you enjoy playing him
    He's still the same good champion that he's always been, but his best and worst quality is the same: he's a Swiss army knife of a champ. He can do a ton of stuff...well. Not top-tier well, but well enough. The problem I have with him is that I have a lot of champions that do the individual stuff he can do better than he can. There is no one that can do everything he can so he definitely still has a place at the top, but if I ever need to deal with regen, I'll bring Warlock, Nimrod or Mr. Negative. If I need to fight someone who places specific debuffs on me that I need to deal with, I usually have champions that are outright immune to them that I can bring in instead of relying on Cap's shrug-off ability. If I need to place armor breaks, I can bring Venom or Corvus.

    There's nothing wrong with anything he does. He does all of those things well. He just doesn't do any of them as well as some of my other options nowadays.
  • RomeroKRomeroK Member Posts: 52
    Yes he is! Full sigs and full rank up.
    This is not even a question, one of the least skill intensive champion to play, absolute tons of utility, respectable damage, even though are "better" champs for "quicker" fights. Getting capiw to s200 can never ever be a wrong decision
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