How far into story were you when you beat each of the special quests?

For example, I had just completed act 4 when I beat ROL with my 4 star X-23 and Red Mags. But I was Cav before I decided to finish RTTL
Did initial clear of LoL a little after Act 5 was released completely with Blade as my first 5/65 5* and Stark Spidey at r4. Did exploration sometime shortly after Aegon was released. I got him from his featured 5* crystal and powered through the rest of the Labyrinth.
Did first Abyss path completion not terribly long after release. Enough time had gone by to have good guides out though. Did exploration piece by piece over a long time, but finished before 7.1 was released I think.
Road to labyrinth: last ch left
Labyrinth: never bothered finishing it for the first time
Abyss: ...*Quietly walks away whistling even after having champs like 6* stryfe, prof x, doom*