How do y'all feel about Diablo?

SaquongoatSaquongoat Member Posts: 133 ★★
Hi everybody! I'm one of Diablo's biggest (or at least most vocal) fans, and it's been a couple months since I've asked around for the general consensus on Diablo. So what do y'all think of him? Is he the best mystic in the game? Is he the best champ in the game? Is he hot trash? Feel free to tell me your reasoning on him, I'm very curious what people think of him and why. My social mcoc network is very biased and loves Diablo so it's tough to get an accurate representation of the mcoc community (or at least the forums lol). Thanks!

How do y'all feel about Diablo? 139 votes

Diablo is the best mystic!
LeNoirFaineantTerrajcruz2133Hammerbro_64RockyshockyMiStaLovaDes99yyaassiirr123Dkcody42KablShepwillrun4adonut 12 votes
Diablo is great, but definitely not the best mystic. Top 5.
TheJalliSnizzbarSpity68buffajrheruheru511KDoggg2017LuciusVorenusForwardFeeney234SungjFrankWhitecausticSw0rdMasterRbk19RasiloverAdvEch238Malreck04Cap366mikeimp123 106 votes
Diablo is good, but not great. Amongst the likes of Havok, the monkey, and Sunspot.
SnakeEyes69TheCipeMoosetiptronicbluebubble100GarrettN30ish0casual0GrassKnucklesSammy0421HDevil_1X 10 votes
Diablo is mediocre.
SlowDigzVceeGoddessIliasNo_oneuk 4 votes
Diablo is totally garbage why the heck are we even talking about him
PiviotDarkKnight646 2 votes
rockykostonCapdevilasebSoyheyor123Gr8TonyStarkfiremoon712 5 votes


  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,803 ★★★★★
    edited April 2022
    Diablo is the best mystic!
    When we had free masteries for a week, he was the top mystic because I could cycle on and off suicides for fights. Without it though (as I normally don't run suicides now), I'd still put him as #2 behind Doom (love his synergy with Doom btw).
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,521 ★★★★★
    Diablo is great, but definitely not the best mystic. Top 5.
    I have him at r1. But I am thinking to r3 him soon. I don't run suicides. So for me he is in top 5 but not best mystic. Even with suicide, BWCV will give him run for money for top mystic spot.
    He is sustainable champ as I am testing him here and there and I regret not ranking him up earlier. Things might have been different. Counters some most troublesome problems in various aspects of the game.
    This is coming from who thinks that doom is is still one of top 5 champs in game atm and best mystic (if tha helps you in your judgement and representation stats)
  • PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Diablo is great, but definitely not the best mystic. Top 5.
    His damage will be gimped against Poison immunes or fully resistant champs like Omega Sentinel otherwise Diablo slays matches.
  • SaquongoatSaquongoat Member Posts: 133 ★★
    I love these responses. They make me wonder why whenever a counter to a certain path is suggested, or mvps for content clearing are mentioned, I never hear Diablo's name.
  • PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Diablo is great, but definitely not the best mystic. Top 5.

    I love these responses. They make me wonder why whenever a counter to a certain path is suggested, or mvps for content clearing are mentioned, I never hear Diablo's name.

    @Saquongoat Diablo will rinse through enhanced poison and acid wash nodes
  • SaquongoatSaquongoat Member Posts: 133 ★★

    I love these responses. They make me wonder why whenever a counter to a certain path is suggested, or mvps for content clearing are mentioned, I never hear Diablo's name.

    @Saquongoat Diablo will rinse through enhanced poison and acid wash nodes
    I don’t see much of him if there isn’t a specific lane asking for poison effects. Like people don’t really think of his utilities unless he’s a super obvious counter, such as mentioned above like acid wash or poison vulnerability
  • MiStaLovaMiStaLova Member Posts: 942 ★★★
    Diablo is the best mystic!
    Someone ask for Diabloooo?
    Im here 😆😆😆😆🔥🤟

  • ShiroiharaShiroihara Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    Diablo is great, but definitely not the best mystic. Top 5.
    I’ve both Claire and Diablo at rank 3. Had Claire the longest so I’m more comfortable placing her in my team but both are amazing.
    Also, RoL farming, right?
  • SaquongoatSaquongoat Member Posts: 133 ★★

    Also, RoL farming, right?

    Yes. Rol farming is awesome with Diabs. Long and slow, but hands-free
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Diablo is the best mystic!
    I don’t like the phrasing of option 2, because he definitely isn’t definitely not the top mystic. It’s arguable for him being the best. I’ve found dozens of story mode paths that I bring traditional counters that die for skill reasons that Diablo just decides to power through. I enjoy playing him more than BWCV Doom and I haven’t really gotten into Tigra yet (although I have more reason to since she has synergies with every other really good champ)
  • ŁŤÇŁŤÇ Member Posts: 351 ★★★
    Diablo is great, but definitely not the best mystic. Top 5.
    With or without suicides, Diablo is a hammer.

    Suicides aren't the problem, however. Is the defender poison immune? If so, good luck. I mean, you can regen all day off that sp1, sure, but eh.

    Is he top 5? Easily! But let's be real, Doom is a monster. And I don't even like using him.
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,882 ★★★★★
    Diablo is great, but definitely not the best mystic. Top 5.
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  • Phillip14233Phillip14233 Member Posts: 581 ★★★
    Diablo is great, but definitely not the best mystic. Top 5.
    Claire and doom are better, he’s #3. People will say he needs suicides but mine is at R3 and is still a powerhouse without them
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    He's awesome.

    Sustainable, great damage, good utility champ. In the mystic class he's definitely top 3 depending on the situation. All his attacks are energy which makes him super reliable on nodes/champs that reflect physical damage.

    He's pretty perfect for AQ and AW and story content that demands his presence. If you take him into a fight, he's someone you won't regret.
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