How is the best way to fight with Angela?

Hello, people.
I need tips on the best way to fight using Angela. Just now I figured out that I can charge Quake and Mordo by holding a heavy attack. And that is very useful.
And Angela? What can you tell me?
I need tips on the best way to fight using Angela. Just now I figured out that I can charge Quake and Mordo by holding a heavy attack. And that is very useful.
And Angela? What can you tell me?
If you need to be fancy try almost 3bars and use Sp2 then relate the first step
SP1 and SP2 take long in animation and they have very weak damage, while SP3 will increase your attack for each buff on her, making you do more damage in the long run. And also, critting while you have SP3 gives you "Aptitude", which increases the effect of all Fury, Armor, and Precision Buffs by 50%.
It’s not about special damage! And 1.5 fury is FAR from the massive 2-3 fury plus the 1 Precision. That’s all you need. It’s not worth the drop in fury
The Hood will stagger the buffs/Hex will remove all buffs
Dormammu will keep her power level down from getting buffs, has nullify on L1(not recommended) and powerlock on l2.
Scarlet Witch and Magik can nullify her buffs.
Don't have any of those, that's alright. She's beatable still.
Secondly, it comes down to baiting her L1 and evading it. It's the easier of the two specials. The second one isn't bad but throws a projectile which is a little more complicated to evade. But other than that, she's really easy.
If you just want to know how fight with Angela the answer is that she works very similar to Captain Marvel. You don't actually want to use her specials that often because she gets more powerful every time you hit a bar of power. Ideally you always want to be over 1 bar of power (so if you want to use the sp1 make sure you are almost to the second bar, thus making it easier to keep above the first one when you use it).
She gets significantly more powerful at the second bar where she gets a crit bonus that makes it easier to replicate her buffs, and again at the last power bar where it makes all her buffs stronger. Her sp3 does a considerable amount of damage when she has a lot of buffs going, but it also means you have to hold your power bar the whole fight which will only happen in longer more difficult fights. In short ones you can finish most opponents with the sp2. I wouldn't recommend sp1 spam just because she doesn't build up as much.
And @mum_m2 very good tips when fighting agaisnt Angela. Maybe I was not clear in my question because English is not my mother language. Sorry. But good tips anyway. Now I know her strenghts and weakness.
She’s an amazingly heavy hitter
5/50 4*
3 fury stack increase her attack by 900 each for a grand total of… 2700! Even with only 2 stacks giving her 1800 add that to her base 1200 and she literally breaks 3k attack EASY with her balancing almost at 4K wen you do Sp1 spam. That’s 5.3 booster NODE levels of base attack btw. And her 3rd bar is really gimmicky as you also LOSE your armor by the time you get to 3
1 Armor Buff is worth 30% Armor. That is UNHEARD OF for a champion with such levels of damage and it means she takes very little damage even on a failed parry combo and tanking tricky specials like WS or Cable. Take the Furt/Armor combo platter that is Sp1 spamming and she’s VERY hard to lose in quests
Special 3 crits? I thought not.