T1A's and T4B's how about loosening the grip on the resource

MadMarksMadMarks Member Posts: 155
As I watch my t4c's expire in my stash, I begin to wonder will kabam ever make t4b available daily? t1as is the same problem. AQ reward ratios are way out of wack now. they need to stuff the top 1500 with t4bs and t1as. At least 5 a week imo.


  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Yes please. More t4bc and t1a
  • MadMarksMadMarks Member Posts: 155
    edited October 2017
    Or just triple glory payouts. lower allys need incentive to play. upper allys need to buy resources like t1as, t4bs. or let us sell resources for glory.
  • Renegade_DoggyRenegade_Doggy Member Posts: 358 ★★
    I would be willing to trade 1x T4C Crystal for 1x T4B, or hell, even 1x T1A. I've stopped opening T4C for months..
  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    Full completion of Sunday's Random Cat Event should give a T1A. Giving people more resources will NOT discourage us from playing more.
  • IdontinksoIdontinkso Member Posts: 156
    Once you reach a certain stage in progression , you will have so many T1A you will end up having to sell a bunch before they expire, that resource you get too much of rather than other more useful catalysts.

    same could be said for class T4, unless you get in a top 2500 alliance that stays in expert tier you will always have a shortage of that as well , but once you get in a top alliance that is serious about AQ, you will also get too much of that from what I hear.

    it’s T4B that really that is the shortage as well at Class T3 cats which get rewarded way less than before for doing the once a week quests for them. Also, T2A is soooo rare , selling T1A should at least contribute more T2A than the pittance you get now.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Idontinkso wrote: »
    Once you reach a certain stage in progression , you will have so many T1A you will end up having to sell a bunch before they expire, that resource you get too much of rather than other more useful catalysts.

    same could be said for class T4, unless you get in a top 2500 alliance that stays in expert tier you will always have a shortage of that as well , but once you get in a top alliance that is serious about AQ, you will also get too much of that from what I hear.

    it’s T4B that really that is the shortage as well at Class T3 cats which get rewarded way less than before for doing the once a week quests for them. Also, T2A is soooo rare , selling T1A should at least contribute more T2A than the pittance you get now.

    Certain stage in progression we will sell t1a? What stage would that be? I’ve got 16 rank 5 4*, 3 r3 5* (no worthy r4), 80+ 4* rank 3 or higher. List goes on mate. And I’m short t1a always. To the point where I can’t rank up 4* anymore just wait weeks for t1a to roll in from rewards and glory store to rank up 5*...
  • MadMarksMadMarks Member Posts: 155
    What is the point of pushing for top placement in AQ? You get a bunch of stuff you don't need. The only reason we do it is for the pitance of t2a shards you get. It is literally the only way to get them. At leas give out lvl1 to lvl2 rank up gems for 5 stars. maybe 2 per AQ. Top 1500 only
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    T1a used to be so abundant, then they took them out of AQ crystals and milestones, I used to sell 10 a week.
    Now they're rare as rocking horse ****.
    I've never once done the t1a arena but I think I'll have to start doing it
  • GruftyGrufty Member Posts: 187
    The T1A arena should be upgraded to provide more than 1 a week.

    I also think T1A should be added to AQ milestones, such as for every 25Mill.

    If these 2 changes are made then it would make this resource (which isn't supposed to be rare) slightly more available, but not too much that it over floods the game with them.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    edited October 2017
    You can just not open any alliance quest crystal or any crystal that gives you T4CC shards. Then you wait for the basics and alphas to use the catalysts and that way you don't have any cat in the stash
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    We all know the real reason for the lack of t1a.
    I used to sell 10 a week but Kabam don't want us getting t2a by selling t1a so they make them too rare to sell
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    I’m always needing gold but that’s because I don’t have the time to grind arena. I have plenty of t4 basics, t4cc, and t1alphas
  • TillerTheKillerTillerTheKiller Member Posts: 280 ★★
    Idontinkso wrote: »
    Once you reach a certain stage in progression , you will have so many T1A you will end up having to sell a bunch before they expire, that resource you get too much of rather than other more useful catalysts.

    same could be said for class T4, unless you get in a top 2500 alliance that stays in expert tier you will always have a shortage of that as well , but once you get in a top alliance that is serious about AQ, you will also get too much of that from what I hear.

    it’s T4B that really that is the shortage as well at Class T3 cats which get rewarded way less than before for doing the once a week quests for them. Also, T2A is soooo rare , selling T1A should at least contribute more T2A than the pittance you get now.

    Once you move above this stage in progression and to a higher stage, you can’t even rank up new 5*s more than 1 rank every few weeks.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    Idontinkso wrote: »
    Once you reach a certain stage in progression , you will have so many T1A you will end up having to sell a bunch before they expire, that resource you get too much of rather than other more useful catalysts.

    same could be said for class T4, unless you get in a top 2500 alliance that stays in expert tier you will always have a shortage of that as well , but once you get in a top alliance that is serious about AQ, you will also get too much of that from what I hear.

    it’s T4B that really that is the shortage as well at Class T3 cats which get rewarded way less than before for doing the once a week quests for them. Also, T2A is soooo rare , selling T1A should at least contribute more T2A than the pittance you get now.

    I used to sell alphas myself until I realized taking 5*'s up from rank 2 to 3 could zap all my T1As in a heartbeat. If anything, t2 alphas(I already have 8 with no reduction in near sight) maybe less of a drain since we only need 2 to go rank 3 to 4 and nothing else after that (rank 5 for five *'s is still unobtainable as far as I know).

    IMO, realistically all rank up catalysts need to be made more available. If it were so, it would be more reasonable to claim 6*'s are a fair and needed progression and wouldn't get nearly as much backlash from the players because a majority would be more on pace.

    I'd really be interested in seeing the numbers on the % of the entire player base that have a roster of rank 4 five *s in double figures, even just 8 for a full AW team. And then again I could be an idiot and completely off base with my assumptions.
  • MadMarksMadMarks Member Posts: 155
    edited October 2017
    The concept of glory is nice, but they need to drop like 10k glory for the top alliances. it should then scale down to like 2k glory for second tier of AQ. I can only imagine how painfully slow progression is for that middle tier player.
    no player is going to explode thier roster with t4b and t1a. In fact, flooding the market with this resource probably would increase crystal sales, if anything just for gold and a good champ to rank.
  • OkkkkayyOkkkkayy Member Posts: 47
    So I was thinking that the rank rewards in t4b arena are terrible. Why not increase these rewards.

    70-100% 4500 t4b shards, 1 t1a
    40-70% 9000 t4b shards, 2 t1a
    Or something similar to this
    I feel like this would be awesome!
  • MisterNiceGuyMisterNiceGuy Member Posts: 184
    MadMarks wrote: »
    As I watch my t4c's expire in my stash, I begin to wonder will kabam ever make t4b available daily? t1as is the same problem. AQ reward ratios are way out of wack now. they need to stuff the top 1500 with t4bs and t1as. At least 5 a week imo.

    Why would they? Are you going to leave your alliance and stop playing if they don't do what you say?

    They are betting you won't. And frankly I'm betting you won't either lol
  • NDK13NDK13 Member Posts: 620 ★★
    No use making such threads because they ain't gonna do anything about it. Back in the day I used to get abundant t1a but only the top used to get t4c now its the exact opposite. Say what you will about Kabam but these guys have a very good sense of business back in the day they were selling 1 t4b for 99 dollars in Christmas now if they add 5 t2a with the Odin im sure tons of people will jump to buy the offer.
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    WOK wrote: »
    Idontinkso wrote: »
    Once you reach a certain stage in progression , you will have so many T1A you will end up having to sell a bunch before they expire, that resource you get too much of rather than other more useful catalysts.

    same could be said for class T4, unless you get in a top 2500 alliance that stays in expert tier you will always have a shortage of that as well , but once you get in a top alliance that is serious about AQ, you will also get too much of that from what I hear.

    it’s T4B that really that is the shortage as well at Class T3 cats which get rewarded way less than before for doing the once a week quests for them. Also, T2A is soooo rare , selling T1A should at least contribute more T2A than the pittance you get now.

    I used to sell alphas myself until I realized taking 5*'s up from rank 2 to 3 could zap all my T1As in a heartbeat. If anything, t2 alphas(I already have 8 with no reduction in near sight) maybe less of a drain since we only need 2 to go rank 3 to 4 and nothing else after that (rank 5 for five *'s is still unobtainable as far as I know).

    IMO, realistically all rank up catalysts need to be made more available. If it were so, it would be more reasonable to claim 6*'s are a fair and needed progression and wouldn't get nearly as much backlash from the players because a majority would be more on pace.

    I'd really be interested in seeing the numbers on the % of the entire player base that have a roster of rank 4 five *s in double figures, even just 8 for a full AW team. And then again I could be an idiot and completely off base with my assumptions.

    It's 4 t2a to take a 5* from rank 3-4
  • DegirmenciogluDegirmencioglu Member Posts: 93
    They control the resources they make money. Nothing complicated.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    @The_One, good catch you're absolutely correct. I apologize for not proofreading my post.
  • SteelCurtainMUTSteelCurtainMUT Member Posts: 432 ★★
    Yeah I have 1,000 crystals of t4cc crystals, t4c frags & the greater glory crystals & still have t4cc’s expiring & have ONE t4b! It’s ridiculous they aren’t more available. Getting 1 for being in the top 5 for AQ is a joke & 1st place gets a whopping TWO! So sick & tired of being sick & tired
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,330 ★★★★★
    I suppose this is caused by Defender Diversity and Defender Ratings requirement in AW. Previously, 11 4* at rank 5 will be close to all-powerful even if those are the only champs a Summoner owns (assuming those selling champs).

    Now, Summoner need a more diverse roster to compete in AW.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    5*s love T1alphas so much. I can't imagine 6*s will be any different. It doesn't make sense that this has become the bottleneck resource for so many players.
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