Need an active alliance


  • 2StarKing2StarKing Member Posts: 855 ★★★
    Would you please contact me via Line App? We run primarily map 7. Top 350.

    Line id: ode2211
  • Twitch080Twitch080 Member Posts: 152
    Hi there! Still looking? I'm leader LF2
    AW plat 4 & AQ map 7/6 at 490mil +
    4800 Glory.
    Hit me on Line app: ludo1987
  • BosamithBosamith Member Posts: 141
    Hit me up on line bosamith1977
  • RAVEN1815RAVEN1815 Member Posts: 204
    Add me on line raven1815, or game chat x208_dayowl, we offer benefits and 401k. The other guys don’t
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