Battlegrounds scoring system suggestions

InsaneSkullInsaneSkull Member Posts: 334 ★★
edited April 2022 in Suggestions and Requests
I have seen many posts about battleground scoring points and there is a 50-50 or mixed response by many players. So, I decided to make some scenarios on scoring and tried to get possible solutions.

Time is not considered as factor in awarding more points, instead it is used as a measure to decide the winner (I know someone will lose their mind on this line but read it out why :smile:)

Champions HP is considered as part of individual player strategy, it's up to players whom they bring in. For example, Sasquatch for more HP.

Assume Defender and Attackers both Worth 30,000 Points. Total points per match can be earned is 60,000 (Maximum).

Let’s try to write a possible scenario with two players named Mike and Zero.

Note : Immediate Result is for normal case and solution will be possible consideration when condition is satisfied

Scenario 1 : Both Mike and Zero Knocked-out their respective opponents
Condition : If both attackers have the same HP points remaining.
Solution : Check who finished the fight in a short time and declare the winner.
(Consider time as a factor only if "condition" is satisfied. Measuring time in microseconds will gives guaranteed winner in 99% cases, go in milliseconds for remaining 1%)

Scenario 2 : Both Mike and Zero Knocked-out by their respective opponent
Condition : If both defenders have the same HP points.
Solution : Check who survived longer by time and declare the winner.
(Consider time as a factor only if "condition" is satisfied. Measuring time in microseconds will gives guaranteed winner in 99% cases, go in milliseconds for remaining 1%)

Scenario 3 : Mike Knocked-out by opponent and Zero Knocked-out opponent
Solution : Zero wins.

Scenario 4 : Mike Knocked-out by opponent and Zero got timed out
Result : Consider both Mike and Zero got Knocked out and check defenders HP remaining for the result.
Condition : If both defenders have the same HP points.
Solution : Zero wins. Consider HP remaining for Zero’s attacker to award more points since Zero survived the fight (While fighting Zero don’t know in advance that Mike has been knocked out so it’s fair to award more points to Zero).

Scenario 5 : Mike Knocked-out opponent and Zero got timed out
Result : Mike Wins (Zero couldn’t finished fight in given time so as a penalty Zero’s attacker HP will considered as 0 because timed out should be considered as knocked out if Mike is able to knock out the Zero’s defender)

Scenario 6 : Mike and Zero both got timed out
Result : Consider both Mike and Zero got Knocked out and check defenders HP remaining for the result.
Condition 1 : If both defenders have the same HP points.
Solution 1 : Consider Attackers HP remaining to award more points and declare winner.
Condition 2 : If both attackers have the same HP points.
Solution 2 : Consider Performance as a decision factor (Currently we have hits count only , There are multiple factors already added in Beta features like DOT Damage, Critical Damage, Max Combo etc as we see in quests).
For example,
Max Combo : Mike 100, Zero 105
DOT Damage : Mike 2500 , Zero 3500
Critical Damage : Mike 5000 , Zero 4000
Total : Mike scores 1 point, Zero Scores 2 Points.
Result : Zero Wins

Case 0.01% when Milliseconds are also same in Scenario 1 and Scenario 2
Solution : Consider Performance factors as suggested in Scenario 6 Solution 2.

Since Defender HP is part of player’s strategy so arguing about 30k HP vs 25k HP is pointless (For solution kabam can adjust HP and Attack Rating to balance out both defenders of players. Matchmaking could be improved to minimize the chances of an unbalanced match).

More Scenarios, Solutions and positive criticism is welcomed. I request members to suggest more possible scenarios of scoring. I will add more scenarios as I find them.

Fun Request Available : I can write above scenarios programmatically as well if anybody wants to see. :blush:
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