There should be thought to the timing of the compensation. Doing it right before or right after July 4th (or this past weekend's event) wouldn't be good. It would either piss people off about overflow or piss off kabam as people wouldn't spend since they just got it for "free".
Whatever it is... anything which might go to overflow (e.g. revives) should be given as very rare items that don't go to overflow (e.g. sigil or romance variants of health potions).
I know it would take work... but if Kabam could make a "compensation" store/currency... and let people pick the items they want (insert usual conversation about whether this should be tier based)... that would really be a plus.
Where did you see that this was going to be "massive"?
Methinks you might be setting yourself up for disappointment.
They said it was gonna be big, anyways, I just want refills and revives.
They never said big or massive. You have to remember that they've been giving us comp this entire time. Keep in mind that comp is to replace what was lost because of said issue which is why they were doing weekly comp and every so often regular questing items.
What I do think will happen will be an "apology" type package like they did before weekly comp started. But never did they say big or massive and I wouldn't expect more than what we got the first time around. Not that it will matter because most will complain about it anyway.
Where did you see that this was going to be "massive"?
Methinks you might be setting yourself up for disappointment.
They said it was gonna be big, anyways, I just want refills and revives.
They never said big or massive. You have to remember that they've been giving us comp this entire time. Keep in mind that comp is to replace what was lost because of said issue which is why they were doing weekly comp and every so often regular questing items.
What I do think will happen will be an "apology" type package like they did before weekly comp started. But never did they say big or massive and I wouldn't expect more than what we got the first time around. Not that it will matter because most will complain about it anyway.
Yeah, if they give out an apology compensation based on Progression levels, lower levels will complain about not receiving the same as higher levels.
If they give out a blanket compensation, then higher level players would likely find it inadequate if the bugs interfered with their ability to do higher level content, or go to overflow. Could there be an complaint that bugs prevented completion of Summer of Pain type content? Possibly.
Is there any announcement on how long this beta is going to last? Ideally would do something like monthly quest with it (just difficult enough to judge, but really won't care if there are issues).
how about: 1: 20% of all items spent this last year in uncapped inventory (revives, potions, boosts) 2: 20% of all units spent on items (not crystals, but enegy, potions, etc., but does include any completion backs) 3: enough war portions/boosts to restock everyone to full 4: something to actually act as an "appolgy", such as a champion selector x 2 (effectively get a new champ awakened) for anyone in basic pool
how about: 1: 20% of all items spent this last year in uncapped inventory (revives, potions, boosts) 2: 20% of all units spent on items (not crystals, but enegy, potions, etc., but does include any completion backs) 3: enough war portions/boosts to restock everyone to full 4: something to actually act as an "appolgy", such as a champion selector x 2 (effectively get a new champ awakened) for anyone in basic pool
So you want them to take like a year to get all that data? Cool.
Kabaam really needs to make things right after all these months of BS. The solo comp has been a joke and no where compares to the units and inventory I’ve had to waste for their defective product.
Fight for the important things like war potions and the energy refill nerf. They affect everyone's ability to play the game. Leave this compensation stuff alone.
LOL war is a game mode choice. Totally separate issue. You choose to do war. So you choose to accept the BS that comes with it. My alliance stopped war two years ago and have never been happier. Yeah his is about a defective product not a gripe about game mode change.
Methinks you might be setting yourself up for disappointment.
Whatever it is... anything which might go to overflow (e.g. revives) should be given as very rare items that don't go to overflow (e.g. sigil or romance variants of health potions).
I know it would take work... but if Kabam could make a "compensation" store/currency... and let people pick the items they want (insert usual conversation about whether this should be tier based)... that would really be a plus.
What I do think will happen will be an "apology" type package like they did before weekly comp started. But never did they say big or massive and I wouldn't expect more than what we got the first time around. Not that it will matter because most will complain about it anyway.
If they give out a blanket compensation, then higher level players would likely find it inadequate if the bugs interfered with their ability to do higher level content, or go to overflow. Could there be an complaint that bugs prevented completion of Summer of Pain type content? Possibly.
I don't want any big compensation but this weekly aq aw thing to continue.
1: 20% of all items spent this last year in uncapped inventory (revives, potions, boosts)
2: 20% of all units spent on items (not crystals, but enegy, potions, etc., but does include any completion backs)
3: enough war portions/boosts to restock everyone to full
4: something to actually act as an "appolgy", such as a champion selector x 2 (effectively get a new champ awakened) for anyone in basic pool