We need ROL 2 for health pots farming

R3 6 stars champs have around 35k health and winning a fight in ROL gives 1.6k potion meaning it will around 20 potions to heal your R3's which is around 2 runs of Realm of Legends..
Now with paragon title introduced we will see more and more Rank 3's and 4's thus increasing the need of bigger health pot farming..
Or change these potions to % health based potions say 10% or 15% of your max health.
This QOL change will work wonders for everyone
Now with paragon title introduced we will see more and more Rank 3's and 4's thus increasing the need of bigger health pot farming..
Or change these potions to % health based potions say 10% or 15% of your max health.
This QOL change will work wonders for everyone