Moon Knight rework suggestion

Raichu626Raichu626 Member Posts: 934 ★★★★
  • Three of the personalities living in Moon Knight's body can take control during the fight: Marc Spector, Steven Grant and Jake Lockley. Each personality has different effects and changing between personalities is unaffected by Moon Knight's ability accuracy.
  • Moon Knight changes personality when launching special attacks, based on his combo meter:
  • Combo count divisible by 5: Marc Spector
  • Even combo: Steven Grant
  • Odd combo: Jake Lockley
  • Marc overrides the other personalities
  • This mess of personaltities coupled with Khonshu's power renders Moon Knight immune to reverse controls.
Note: anyone remember Doctor Voodoo? Yeah, me neither, this is a totally original idea.

Power of Khonshu
  • Moon Knight derives power from the moon god Khonshu. This power differs with the phase of the moon:
  • Full Moon: Start the fight as Steven Grant. +35% attack rating, +30% ability accuracy, +5 seconds vigilance duration for the entire fight.
  • Waning Moon: Start the fight as Marc Spector. +1000 block proficiency, +20% attack rating, +600 critical rating for the entire fight.
  • Waxing Moon: Start the fight as Marc Spector. +1200 physical resistance, +800 critical rating, +600 critical damage rating for the entire fight.
  • New Moon: Start the fight as Jake Lockley. Special attacks and every 3rd basic hit are guaranteed critical hits, +6 seconds bleed debuff duration, +45% perfect block chance for the entire fight.
When receiving knockout damage
  • Once per fight, Khonshu intervenes and protects Moon Knight from death. 100% chance to prevent the damage and gain an immortality buff for 6 seconds.
  • While immortal, the spirit of Khonshu is in control and grants the benefits of all 3 personalities.
Critical hits
  • 55% chance to inflict a bleed debuff, dealing 100% of attack rating as damage over 6 seconds.
Marc Spector
  • When struck, gain +2000 physical resistance per hit. These effects remain paused while Marc Spector is being struck, and expire 1.5 seconds after the last hit.
  • When hitting the opponent, gain +60% attack rating per hit. These effects remain paused while Marc Spector is attacking, and expire 1.5 seconds after the last hit.
  • When blocking hits, gain +900 block proficiency per hit. These effects remain paused while Marc Spector is blocking hits, and expire 1.5 seconds after the last hit.
  • If 6 or more furies are active, Marc becomes unblockable.
  • If 10 or more physical resistance or block profieciency stacks are active, incoming hits have a 100% chance to glance and Marc becomes unstoppable for 2 seconds.
Steven Grant
  • +35% ability accuracy and +1400 block proficiency
  • Each hit has a 20% chance to disorient the opponent, reducing defensive ability accuracy and block proficiency by 50% for 12 seconds.
  • Dash back and hold block for 0.9 seconds to purify up to 3 debuffs. If less than 3 debuffs are purified, gain up to 3 cleanse charges based on how many debuffs were purified. Cleanse stacks up to 4 times.
  • Each debuff purified by Steven's abilities randomly grants either a precision buff for 1100 critical rating or a fury buff for 65% attack rating, both lasting 15 seconds.
Jake Lockley
  • +1300 critical rating and +900 critical damage rating
  • Critical hits gain +20% flat chance to inflict bleed debuffs, and a 70% chance to inflict matching rupture debuffs when a bleed fails to apply for any reason.
  • Bleeding or ruptured opponents are unable to autoblock
  • When inflicted with a debuff, Jake has a 75% chance to purify it after 0.2 seconds.
Note/fun fact: Each personality sort of counters itself (Marc gains attack while attacking, but physical resistance while being attacked, Steven reduces AA and BP but has increased AA and BP, and Jake inflicts debuffs but purifies like a lunatic)

Special Attacks
  • During low tide, 100% chance to inflict a suppression debuff, reducing combat power rate by 80% for 12 seconds. Moon Knight gains +40% combat power rate while this debuff is active.
  • During high tide, 100% chance to gain a power gain buff, increasing combat power rate by 80% for 12 seconds. The opponent loses 40% combat power rate while this buff is active.
Note: the community dislikes taking a champion's toys away, so I guess he's gotta keep this in some form

Special Attack 1
  • +900 critcal rating for this attack
  • 100% chance to gain a vigilance buff for 13 seconds, preventing Moon Knight's attacks from missing.
Special Attack 2
  • Different effects based on which personality took over:
  • Jake refreshes bleed an rupture debuffs with +25% duration.
  • Steven purifies all debuffs on himself. If less than 3 debuffs are purified, inflict 3 rage debuffs on Moon Knight with no effect, lasting 15 seconds.
  • Marc pauses his current fury effects for 15 seconds. While this pause is active, new fury effects gain +25% potency.
Special Attack 3
  • Both the personality who took over and the one who launched the attack activate their effect(s):
  • Marc: 100% chance to inflict a physical vulnerability debuff, reducing physical resistance by 1500 for 30 seconds. 100% chance to gain a bulwark buff, gaining +1500 block proficiency for 25 seconds.
  • Steven: 100% chance to gain a vigilance buff for 25 seconds and 5 indefinite cleanse charges
  • Jake: 100% chance to inflict an indefinite bleed debuff, dealing 15% of attack rating per second. If the bleed fails, inflict a matching rupture debuff instead. Both stack only 1 time. 100% chance to purify all debuffs on Moon Knight.
Signature Ability - Knight of Khonshu
  • Start the fight with the spirit of Khonshu in control, granting the benefits of all 3 personalitites for 10-25 seconds. When spirit of Khonshu expires, the personalities take over according to Moon Knight's combo count.
  • The Spirit of Khonshu takes over again after a special attack 3 for 10-25 seconds.
  • Gain access to the Once in a Blank Moon pre-fight abilities: each can be activated once per quest to use Khonshu's might and change the phase of the moon for 1 fight.
New and Old synergies

Termination Contract - with Taskmaster
Moon Knight: Moon Phase bonuses gain +15% potency

Defy Death - with Hercules, Hela
Synergy members: +4 seconds indestructible and immortalitiy buff duration.

How's the family - with Punisher, Cosmic Ghost Rider
Moon Knight: While vigilance is active, Moon Knight's attacks can't be evaded


  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,078 ★★★★★
    Sounds like an interesting concept but one thing I really, really dislike about Moon Knight in his current form is the reliance on the moon to decide his abilities. The result of that is that I have absolutely no clue what he does in any given fight. Sometimes he just randomly evades me. Sometimes he just randomly stuns me. Or so it seems, from my perspective. I find that infuriatingly annoying and I would hate to see that concept explored even further in a buff. He would become wildly unpredictable to fight, in the very worst way possible.

    I don't mind the moon phases being incorporated in a way that makes them switchable during the fight or through the pre-fight you mentioned, but I think he needs some stability. This doesn't have to mean that he's a "stable" champion as such - he can be chaotic and quickly switch back-and-fro between stances - but there has to be a way to play both with and against him even if you have no idea what phase the moon is actually in. Moreover, there has to be a way to gain access to specific abilities in his kit at any given day without having to wait half a month or something for the right moon phase to come.

    However, don't let this lenghty rant deter you. The concept itself is sound. If the moon phase (and tide-related) abilities are simply turned into pre-fights, that would pretty much solve the problems I currently have with the idea. After that, he looks like a pretty solid champ. :smile:
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,129 ★★★★★
    Very good concept, I like the idea of turning the moon phases into prefights. One of the things I would add is take either the Ronin Synergy where he regains 30% of all health lost or Darkhawk's synergy where he can start the fight with either a regen or a power game buff based on the waxing or waning of the Moon into his base kit for some extra utility.

    Also if we're continuing the trend of amplifying certain category traits, as a skill he should have some element of purifying a debuff. Maybe something like the will of Khonshu keeps Moon Knight fighting by a flat X% to purify a debuff or something. Out that the ceremonial armor of Khonshu reduces bleed or poison effects by X%.
  • Raichu626Raichu626 Member Posts: 934 ★★★★
    Ercarret said:

    Sounds like an interesting concept but one thing I really, really dislike about Moon Knight in his current form is the reliance on the moon to decide his abilities. The result of that is that I have absolutely no clue what he does in any given fight. Sometimes he just randomly evades me. Sometimes he just randomly stuns me. Or so it seems, from my perspective. I find that infuriatingly annoying and I would hate to see that concept explored even further in a buff. He would become wildly unpredictable to fight, in the very worst way possible.

    I agree, and that's why I actually tried to tone it's effect down considerably (tho I also think it's a fascinating mechanic). The phases only decide the starting personality and give him some stat boosts. But the personality can be changed to whichever one you want with just an sp1 and controlling your combo. And even at sig1 you'll start in all personalities and be able to "pick" later.

    Same with the tide. Instead of only a boost to him OR a reduction to the opponent, it's both at all times (and it's supposed to stack, it'll work to control combat power no matter the tides: high tide you throw more specials, low tide the reduction is more potent)
  • Raichu626Raichu626 Member Posts: 934 ★★★★

    Very good concept [...]

    Also if we're continuing the trend of amplifying certain category traits, as a skill he should have some element of purifying a debuff. Maybe something like the will of Khonshu keeps Moon Knight fighting by a flat X% to purify a debuff or something. Out that the ceremonial armor of Khonshu reduces bleed or poison effects by X%.

    Thank you ^^
    It probably got lost among the other stuff, so just to make sure:
    Steven and Jake both have their own pretty powerful purify mechanics. It's just Marc who can't purify in this concept (and tbh, I think he'd be tough enough on defense)
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,129 ★★★★★
    Raichu626 said:

    Very good concept [...]

    Also if we're continuing the trend of amplifying certain category traits, as a skill he should have some element of purifying a debuff. Maybe something like the will of Khonshu keeps Moon Knight fighting by a flat X% to purify a debuff or something. Out that the ceremonial armor of Khonshu reduces bleed or poison effects by X%.

    Thank you ^^
    It probably got lost among the other stuff, so just to make sure:
    Steven and Jake both have their own pretty powerful purify mechanics. It's just Marc who can't purify in this concept (and tbh, I think he'd be tough enough on defense)
    Yeah I was re-reading it, it got lost in the shuffle, glad to see you had something there.
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