I didn't want a science gem either and I held it for 4 weeks before deciding to rank up spiderham. He has been a really fun rankup and I'm glad I Ultimately chose him over ibom because I never use ibom.
Science is a really solid class. I wouldn't be disappointed. Took my Mr Negative to r4 using the gem and honestly, I could never look back and say another gem would have been better. Science class has some absolute beasts like Negative, S2099, iBom, Overseer, Thing, Void... The list goes on
Science is a really solid class. I wouldn't be disappointed. Took my Mr Negative to r4 using the gem and honestly, I could never look back and say another gem would have been better. Science class has some absolute beasts like Negative, S2099, iBom, Overseer, Thing, Void... The list goes on
Science is incredibly depressing if you run suicides as I do. Maybe I’ll hit the jackpot with iBom or Scorpion in the future. I had great options for all other classes. Sigh…
There are numerous science champions that are pretty sweet.. IBom.. iHulk.. iwatch (lol) Spiderman 2099.. Miles Morales.. Porky.. Scorpion (maybe).. many more if buff are great.
The game loves to troll
I had great options for all other classes. Sigh…