There will never be balance in the force

More T4CC
No! More T4BC
No! We have plenty of those, more Gold
I have gold, more T1 Alpha
I have T4Alpha expiring, need more T4BC
Can't level without T2Alpha
Have T2 finally and T4CC but no Gold...
Can we all just agree that this IS and ALWAYS will be intended? You will never have balance in the force here. The whole point of social engineering an in-app purchase game is to get you as close as possible to something without quite being able to get it all at once.
Now you options are limited and you are tempted.................IN.......APP........PURCHASE......and you will be satisfied.
Period. As soon as they offer more options for T1alpha's which seems to be the thing lately, T4BC and T4CC will be choked out.
As soon as they offer more gold, say goodbye to something else for awhile.
Say "hello" to their business model.
Can we agree?
No! More T4BC
No! We have plenty of those, more Gold
I have gold, more T1 Alpha
I have T4Alpha expiring, need more T4BC
Can't level without T2Alpha
Have T2 finally and T4CC but no Gold...
Can we all just agree that this IS and ALWAYS will be intended? You will never have balance in the force here. The whole point of social engineering an in-app purchase game is to get you as close as possible to something without quite being able to get it all at once.
Now you options are limited and you are tempted.................IN.......APP........PURCHASE......and you will be satisfied.
Period. As soon as they offer more options for T1alpha's which seems to be the thing lately, T4BC and T4CC will be choked out.
As soon as they offer more gold, say goodbye to something else for awhile.
Say "hello" to their business model.
Can we agree?
woops. Spoiler alert? Maybe this will make sense when they introduce them....
Um. That WAS the business model I spoke of. It is engineered that way as many other pay to win games are these days. It is intended that you will never get a balanced of those things so that you always have a deficit which wouldn't be a problem except for expiring things. Which temps you to buy so you don't waste.