Synergies = Substitute for Champion Updates !!?

As the title suggests, are these 'Unique Synergies' on newer champs gonna be the only way to buff some of the much needed older champs? If so, this is just BS.
Earlier, there used to be champion updates every major update or so. But now there have been a couple months and we haven't seen any good update to all the poor champs that currently exist in the game. However, now we are seeing new champions being released with these special synergies with older champions that make them a bit more usable.
Medusa - Made BB better
Mephisto - Made DS a bit better
New Thor and Hela - Looks like they're gonna make Loki better.
So now i fear that we won't get any more updates to all these old champions we have collected and the only way to make them usable would be to grind for these newer champions.
I'm cool with the synergies and all, but these champs need to be updated on their own as well. You don't always have an extra spot in your team for every synergy, esp at higher game modes.
So is there a fix coming for these champs or not :
Strange, Ant-Man, LUKE CAGE, Loki, Colossus, Kamala, Groot, Cyclops, Iron Fists, Hulk Buster, Gambit, Carnage, Spider Gwen, Iron Patriot, Falcon, DD Netflix etc
Earlier, there used to be champion updates every major update or so. But now there have been a couple months and we haven't seen any good update to all the poor champs that currently exist in the game. However, now we are seeing new champions being released with these special synergies with older champions that make them a bit more usable.
Medusa - Made BB better
Mephisto - Made DS a bit better
New Thor and Hela - Looks like they're gonna make Loki better.
So now i fear that we won't get any more updates to all these old champions we have collected and the only way to make them usable would be to grind for these newer champions.
I'm cool with the synergies and all, but these champs need to be updated on their own as well. You don't always have an extra spot in your team for every synergy, esp at higher game modes.
So is there a fix coming for these champs or not :
Strange, Ant-Man, LUKE CAGE, Loki, Colossus, Kamala, Groot, Cyclops, Iron Fists, Hulk Buster, Gambit, Carnage, Spider Gwen, Iron Patriot, Falcon, DD Netflix etc
Went from 50% to 5%, 10% would've been cool I guess.
That doesn't effect her that much tbh.
How when each those champs have a 5* variant with the same bs abilities that’s leaving them behind in regards to the meta of the game. Hell even the 6* variants will have the same abilities just more health and higher attack. Eventually it will have to be looked at.
A 45% reduction in the ability to trigger a bleed effect isn't minor.
On heavies that rarely anyone would be using if it wasn't for the exploit
Onto OP, this is a good and bad thing, although they are ignoring some much needed love for old champions ( I remember when the game came out and Colossus was considered godly), at least their giving them some love via synergies.
When you think about it, your old characters get a bit stronger for having the new and stronger characters in your roster, but that shouldn't be a substitute for actually buffing old champions.
I like collecting champions. But i don't have the time for featured 4*s / money to cash out on crystals for every new champ. So i do the basics and get all the champs a few months after they are released.
It's good that they are making them better, but they should be usable on their own too. Like, if i want to use DS in AQ, i have to put mephisto in there too to give DS that little bit of extra regen that makes him slightly better. That wastes an extra spot just for a synergy.