Who’s your most regretted (and/or favorite) rank up?



  • mustgofastermustgofaster Member Posts: 94
    Regret: Mojo, Silver Surfer, Sentinel
    As a suicides user Mojo's health rapidly decreases from fight to fight because of terrible block proficiency and low armor, even when adding Guardian to the team and minimizing SP1/2 I find it hard to ramp him up without having to use several potions. Haven't found a use for Surfer and Sentinel is tanky but is so weak with his garbage crit rating and bad crit damage.

    Favourite: Gwenpool
    She remains one of my all time favourite, against opponents who bleed she is fun but it's something about how smooth and fluid she feels to play.

  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    Regret: Drax since Kabam NERF'd him via "Frame Rate Fix"
    Favorite: SunSpot
  • The_ChumpThe_Chump Member Posts: 141 ★★
    edited May 2022
    Regret: Quake and Stryfe. I dont got the patience to learn Quake, letalone play her. Plus she seems so boring.

    Got Stryfe in a featured. Heard he was a banger and r3d him almost immediately. I very rarely use him.. Dont think I used him more than a couple times in Act 7 exploration.

    Favorite: Moleman. I hesitated but chose him in the 2020 selector and couldnt be happier that I did.
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,593 ★★★★★
    Regret: Unduped Ghost to R3 (I use my maxed out 5* if I need her).

    Favorite: R4 Kingpin. Such a beast.
  • Del_Boy00Del_Boy00 Member Posts: 21
    Regret: Colossus. Like the damage but to me Emma Frost much better all round

    Favorite: Pyslocke. Power locking fun throughout a fight
  • Burrito2525Burrito2525 Member Posts: 523 ★★★
    Regret omega red
    Favorite herc
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,263 ★★★★★
    Regret: R3 ghost and never use her
    Favorite: R4 Doom
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 605 ★★★
    Claire- is my most regretted champ ranking she doesn’t have the damage that I like her immunities I can find else where and immunity to death I can find see where
    Apoc- has helped me a lot boosts my AA helps in war aq normal quest all around great champ will never regret it
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 781 ★★★
    Regret: 6* R3 STRYFE. He's good... For ROL.

    Favorite: A lot, but I didn't expect Kingpin and Moleman to be that useful.
  • Furious80Furious80 Member Posts: 7
    Regret: 5 star awakened Blade. Haven’t used him in forever.
    Favorite: Falcon. My first 6 star and only r3.
  • thewass1980thewass1980 Member Posts: 151
    I took Kraven to R3 purely as a defensive rank-up, only to have him not get many kills. He's not a good offensive champ, and it turns out he's not that great on defense even with his root mechanic. And then to top it all off, I quit the alliance to focus on account progression. So he's just sitting there on the shelf for the foreseeable future.
  • Nalak8Nalak8 Member Posts: 387 ★★★
    Regret: nebula r2…all YouTubers were raving about her shock damage but she’s hard to use. R5 sentinel for variant 3 but he didn’t help much.

    Favorites: r3 moleman…r3 him over NF…moleman is so much fun!
  • _hbtygbty423__hbtygbty423_ Member Posts: 563 ★★
    regret: guardian becoz i never use him and i dont like him
    favourite: bwcv shes too good
  • Zippy_halliganZippy_halligan Member Posts: 174
    Regret: r3 venompool, used him very minimally in variant 8 and never find any use for him now.

    Favourite: r3 maw, hes such a fun champ to use and is really good offensively and defensively, will be my 2nd mystic r4 (couldnt not rank up a sig200 doom)

    Honourable mention: r3 mysterio, another fun champ to use, especially paired with the peni synergy. Thats some insane poison damage
  • LorddrewLorddrew Member Posts: 297 ★★
    Regret: Darkhawk Sig 200( was my TB rank up ) & /guill2099, undub since tech on overflow
    favourite: Herc R4 insta sig 200 & VP R3, I hated this game so much after 35 featured 6 trying to get herc. (i did not get him, got him from 7.4 exploration) and pulled DD/VP/back 2 back xD sig 60 on both
  • Darth_StewieDarth_Stewie Member Posts: 390 ★★★

    Fav- Shang-Chi
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  • NescioNescio Member Posts: 148 ★★
    Regret:rank 3 CMM she got me through a lot of content but her lack of dupe and my new cosmics make me not use her anymore, along with her reliance on Nick.
    Favorite:rank 4 tigra she's just my all time favorite champ to play and I recently duped her after the rank 4.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    Biggest Regret: CGR just not very practical to play.

    Favorite champ: it rotates between massacre, jubilee, and overseer
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★


    Fav- Shang-Chi

    I feel that Morningstar. I do love her (when she’s ramped up), but I’ve gotten owned more than once hunting souls. Only use her on one of my alts now.
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