Plat4 Ally AW and Map888 AQ Ally LF4

Our ally is No Mercy [IZZY]. We've been between AW Plat4 and Plat3 AW in rating all season, but ended towards the top of P4. We are looking for a few members to make things more consistent. We are planning to run AQ Map888 this upcoming off-season/season.

Looking for a few dedicated players who know how to play, especially in AW. 12k prestige desired. One r4 champ desired. Not mandatory.

Message Avatar56 in game or my LineID is Avatar567 (Line is easier to chat).


  • Avatar56Avatar56 Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2022
    We lost one player recently, and need a replacement ASAP!

    Update: We are now running Map888.

    Looking for one dedicated player who knows how to play, especially in AW. 12k prestige desired. One r4 champ desired. Not mandatory.
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