AW tactic - wrong description of broken tactic?

Challenger map, can choose of of three tactics:
Unstoppable armor - looks fine
High ground - looks fine
miss-tic dispersion - description is missing other than the increased attack/health. Is it broken or just a problem with the description?

Unstoppable armor - looks fine
High ground - looks fine
miss-tic dispersion - description is missing other than the increased attack/health. Is it broken or just a problem with the description?

If you could just had the minimum level of support to let us know it’s broken so I could at least choose a different tactic….
Quick Feedback is much appreciated. We all need to plan a defense and for sure the tactic is a key element we need to test. It's annoying to have now the 3rd off Season in a row where tactics or bans are broken. Last Season I was not sure until the first season war if I can use the Miss tactic and was forced to create two defender strategies. Please have a look.
Thank you
Also, if they stopped giving the compensation packages, why haven’t they increased the loyalty and update the store yet? The fact they are waiting for the season to start is another proof they don’t treat seriously to off-season war.
We would like to test it before the season start. If you can't fix it on time, please remove this tactic from next season