Appeal to the developers of the game

denmiheidenmihei Member Posts: 9
edited May 2022 in General Discussion

Привет кабам сделайте в игре возможность продавать катализаторы четвертой категории классовые на осколки пятой категории классовые, чтобы я мог поднять 6* на 3 ранг, мне надоело ждать когда у меня накопяться осколки на катализатор пятой категории цветной. Раз вы сделали 6 звёздных чемпионов, то делайте продажу катализаторов в инвентаре, у меня много катализаторов четвёртой категории цветные, я их хочу продать, вы давно должны были это сделать пожалуйста!
Hi kabam, make it possible in the game to sell catalysts of the fourth class category for fragments of the fifth class category so that I can raise 6 * to rank 3, I'm tired of waiting for the fragments to accumulate on the catalyst of the fifth color category. Since you have made 6 star champions, then make a sale of catalysts in the inventory, I have a lot of catalysts of the fourth category colored, I want to sell them, you should have done it a long time ago, please!


  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    I don't really see a reason why they shouldn't be able to be sold. I do, however, see a reason why players shouldn't sell them. It will be a very bad decision to do so in the long run. As a Thronebreaker, I can comfortably say that they are one of the main roadblocks when it comes to ranking up champions. It costs insane amounts of t4cc to take an r1 6* to r3. It'll drain almost your entire stash of t4cc. You really, really want to keep hold of them as much as possible. I don't think the trade will ever be worth it.
  • denmiheidenmihei Member Posts: 9
    Ercarret said:

    I don't really see a reason why they shouldn't be able to be sold. I do, however, see a reason why players shouldn't sell them. It will be a very bad decision to do so in the long run. As a Thronebreaker, I can comfortably say that they are one of the main roadblocks when it comes to ranking up champions. It costs insane amounts of t4cc to take an r1 6* to r3. It'll drain almost your entire stash of t4cc. You really, really want to keep hold of them as much as possible. I don't think the trade will ever be worth it.

    I have no problems with this, there are a lot of five-star champions on the fifth rank and six-star champions on the second rank, but I can't raise them to the third rank because there is no color catalyst of the fifth category
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    Ercarret said:

    I don't really see a reason why they shouldn't be able to be sold. I do, however, see a reason why players shouldn't sell them. It will be a very bad decision to do so in the long run. As a Thronebreaker, I can comfortably say that they are one of the main roadblocks when it comes to ranking up champions. It costs insane amounts of t4cc to take an r1 6* to r3. It'll drain almost your entire stash of t4cc. You really, really want to keep hold of them as much as possible. I don't think the trade will ever be worth it.

    The time when I want to sell T4CC is when I have a bunch of 1 or 2 classes expiring in overflow with no good champs of that class to rank, or ones that are not worth the T1A or T2A that would be wasted. Since they won't just let us pick our T4CC on a regular basis and the RNG of the T4CC crystals almost always gives me an overflow of classes I don't want to use I have no way of maintaining a steady supply of the classes I do need/want without generating the expiring overflow problem.

    All they need to do if they don't want to let us sell T4CC because of all the support tickets from people saying they accidentally sold them is to either change T4CC crystals to selectors (I am sure will never happen) or make it so we can trade in the unwanted overflow catalysts for crystals again on a 1:1 basis instead of ripping us off on the exchange rate (I know they finally decreased the cost a while back but anything above 1:1, especially if it isn't for a specific class you want, doesn't feel like a fair deal to me given how many you need).
  • denmiheidenmihei Member Posts: 9
    Crine60 said:

    Ercarret said:

    I don't really see a reason why they shouldn't be able to be sold. I do, however, see a reason why players shouldn't sell them. It will be a very bad decision to do so in the long run. As a Thronebreaker, I can comfortably say that they are one of the main roadblocks when it comes to ranking up champions. It costs insane amounts of t4cc to take an r1 6* to r3. It'll drain almost your entire stash of t4cc. You really, really want to keep hold of them as much as possible. I don't think the trade will ever be worth it.

    The time when I want to sell T4CC is when I have a bunch of 1 or 2 classes expiring in overflow with no good champs of that class to rank, or ones that are not worth the T1A or T2A that would be wasted. Since they won't just let us pick our T4CC on a regular basis and the RNG of the T4CC crystals almost always gives me an overflow of classes I don't want to use I have no way of maintaining a steady supply of the classes I do need/want without generating the expiring overflow problem.

    All they need to do if they don't want to let us sell T4CC because of all the support tickets from people saying they accidentally sold them is to either change T4CC crystals to selectors (I am sure will never happen) or make it so we can trade in the unwanted overflow catalysts for crystals again on a 1:1 basis instead of ripping us off on the exchange rate (I know they finally decreased the cost a while back but anything above 1:1, especially if it isn't for a specific class you want, doesn't feel like a fair deal to me given how many you need).
    I agree with you on something, but I think it's up to each person to sell him catalysts or not. But they should give such an opportunity, for those who want it
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,098 ★★★★
    Terrible idea. There are so, so many ways to earn t5cc in the game now. From story, monthly, side, Variant quests and so much more. Complete content, or buy certain deals if you’re a spender, and you’ll get your desired t5cc.

    Selling t4cc is short-term gain, long-term loss as they will run low when you start ranking up 6* champs on a regular basis.
  • denmiheidenmihei Member Posts: 9
    Addyos said:

    Terrible idea. There are so, so many ways to earn t5cc in the game now. From story, monthly, side, Variant quests and so much more. Complete content, or buy certain deals if you’re a spender, and you’ll get your desired t5cc.

    Selling t4cc is short-term gain, long-term loss as they will run low when you start ranking up 6* champs on a regular basis.

    The store is blocked, and I can't complete difficult tasks
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