Tanking Battle Grounds for an easy life

So not all of us playing are Uber competitive and care about our placing on the leaderboard. Getting enough wins to so we can utilise the battle grounds store is what matters to a big portion of us.
I have a really strong 30 champions but after that its so so for battle grounds when I get past 1650 points (I’m a decent player but nothing special) will end up trading wins and losses waisting time and energy. I’m not going to spend 45 units to refresh my best champions to stay competitive but I have a lot of energy refreshes available…
So I’ve found the best solution is to tank my battle ground rating, utilising my 1* and 2* champs. I don’t mind using energy refreshes as energy is waisted on fights I’ll lose any way. So once my score is tanked enough I can go in again with my best champions, all 6R3 (and 1x 6R4) and boom easy wins. Literally had 5x fights in row where I won and didn’t need to fight as opponent seemingly backed out (see below pic), so used no energy for any of my individual champions was used. At the moment there is nothing on the line ranking wise, so I don’t care about my loss record. I know this may not be in the “spirit” if the game mode, but then I don’t believe the game mode as it’s currently set is conducive to the average player. Along the way, I’ve come across a battle with another player doing the same, having a few 6* champs in there deck and the rest 2* champs so I’m clearly not the only one. If I could go in and just play and not have to worry about the cost of refreshing my best champs I wouldn’t use this method, but as it’s stands this way optimises my time, energy, units, hands (playing this game hurts!) and gets me all the milestones to utilise the store.

I have a really strong 30 champions but after that its so so for battle grounds when I get past 1650 points (I’m a decent player but nothing special) will end up trading wins and losses waisting time and energy. I’m not going to spend 45 units to refresh my best champions to stay competitive but I have a lot of energy refreshes available…
So I’ve found the best solution is to tank my battle ground rating, utilising my 1* and 2* champs. I don’t mind using energy refreshes as energy is waisted on fights I’ll lose any way. So once my score is tanked enough I can go in again with my best champions, all 6R3 (and 1x 6R4) and boom easy wins. Literally had 5x fights in row where I won and didn’t need to fight as opponent seemingly backed out (see below pic), so used no energy for any of my individual champions was used. At the moment there is nothing on the line ranking wise, so I don’t care about my loss record. I know this may not be in the “spirit” if the game mode, but then I don’t believe the game mode as it’s currently set is conducive to the average player. Along the way, I’ve come across a battle with another player doing the same, having a few 6* champs in there deck and the rest 2* champs so I’m clearly not the only one. If I could go in and just play and not have to worry about the cost of refreshing my best champs I wouldn’t use this method, but as it’s stands this way optimises my time, energy, units, hands (playing this game hurts!) and gets me all the milestones to utilise the store.

And I wonder whether and how kabam will use the leaderboard to incentivize with more rewards. There has to be a reason for the leaderboard other than bragging rights. This is still beta so…
I got my 30 wins for the week in the first 3 days and now I'm tanking with the daily energy. (Paragon player).
It will suck for whomever matches me next week while I climb back up, but thats not my problem😀. This way I'll avoid the hackers more easily too
That intentional rating drop to match with easy opponents . I really sympathise with those people man
No aq and no war, so what better activity than to ruin a lower levels day in battle grounds against rank 3 and 4 defenders lol