Mutant dominion - team question

Hello there.
Just preparing myself to do the initial abyss run. I would really like to do mutant dominion carina challenge by this. And I'm wondering - which team would be the best from my mutant roster? Do I bring Prof X - Colossus synergy for regen from suicides? Do I bring Cable or ramp up Apoc naturally? On the other hand - Cable with just Wags synergy gets a lot of healing out of suicide masteries. Also - which path would be the best for me?

Just preparing myself to do the initial abyss run. I would really like to do mutant dominion carina challenge by this. And I'm wondering - which team would be the best from my mutant roster? Do I bring Prof X - Colossus synergy for regen from suicides? Do I bring Cable or ramp up Apoc naturally? On the other hand - Cable with just Wags synergy gets a lot of healing out of suicide masteries. Also - which path would be the best for me?

Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
Prof x
I take path 5 and so far I’m at redskull and in about 20 revives. Probably would switch prof x for wags it would have saved me probably 6-7 revives total.
There's also a case for Storm (OG) now after her buff. She melts.
No storm on path.
Ohh I meant Storm as an attacker instead of Cable.
Here’s my ABYSS run with MUTANT DOMINATION team. Hope it helps
Good luck !
Also my apoc is only 5/65 so I have been thinking about running stryfe, red mags, white mags, prof x and kitty because apoc can't solo any fights as a 5 star. However I haven't seen anyone run this team which makes my doubt that it would be better.
You have to look for most annoying champs like red skull, bishop and or ghulk. • Apoc is great for bishop just don’t parry heavy a lot whenever you need to refresh debuffs only then; push him to sp2 always it’s easier to bait bishops special2. • Red skull is just boring long fight, get sp2 with red mag & then spam sp3 when red skull is at 1 & 3/4 bar of power. Note* - don’t throw sp3 when he’s at full 2 bars of power, it’ll push him to straight 3 bars of power when you come out of throwing your sp3. • For GHULK, APOC/cable is best.
If I were you, I would take Stryfe, Apoc, white mags, red mags & kitty/cable. More inclined towards cable instead of kitty. Kitty is just great for damage whereas cable will get you through some fights with 1/2 revive.
I forgot to mentioned, Buffed storm is great too but she needs maybe a synergy with pyramid X. I’m not sure whether she needs or not. (You can look up for BEROMAN on YouTube for storm guide, he indeed put some nice showcase of her in Abyss)
My rank 4 Apoc did most of the work. Rank 5 strife cleaned up the collector. Used about 1600 units for the run. Path 5 than split to 3 was the easiest choice.