Finally went for Thronebreaker!!!!

After being Cav for some time, the release of paragon motivated me to finally sit an get through act 6. Today, I finally achieved that.
Grandmaster was a blast to fight, probably cost me close to 1,000 units. Took me a little bit to get his special one mechanics down. Otherwise no other issue, the challenges phase I found to be unique, fun, an entertaining,
Definitely a fantastic piece of content, especially since I got to use Herc a lot (recently acquisition). I am excited at the opportunities that now open up to me as a thronebreaker!
For rewards, my notable pull was silver centurion. Everything else was a dud.
I had several rank 3s from before completing this. That being Herc, Apoc, Domino, an Mole man.
Also got a sickkk picture of absolutely wrecking the grandmaster!