How Summoner Showdown Should Have Gone Down

The current Eternity of Pain quest is the perfect place to showcase exactly how I planned to cheese the summoner showdown node combination. There’s no doubt in my mind that Miles would have absolutely destroyed that node combination if he had been functioning correctly. I think we all probably know how good Miles is now, but at the time he was extremely underrated and nobody used him. I think I was the only summoner who put him in my deck. Either way, enjoy the cheese footage.

Mid 2022 and I still feel bad that you got shafted because of a bug.
I've heard good things about Miles especially afterwards but I just never gave him the attention.
Took me about a year to finally realize that Colossus was in fact a good champ after his buff for comparison.
I really need to give Miles a modern look.
The chance is multiplied by 3 if specials and attacks are unblockable
So for unblockable specials
35*3 = 105%