A suggestion....

TerrianTerrian Member Posts: 16
A help button to select all champions used in arena all at a go and not help each one one after other. It's annoying.


  • NoobdaNoobda Member Posts: 787 ★★★
    It has been proposed manier times.
    I don't think its possible anytime soon.
    You understand the load when we use a bunch of sig stones on any of our champs, right?
    Just relate it with your suggestion.
  • TerrianTerrian Member Posts: 16
    Hmm... True. I hope they find a way though i really hate how i have to select all of them one by one.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,121 ★★★★★
    They tried doing it before with 20 Champions but it kept crashing the system so they had to cut it down to 10 at a time.
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