Daily Crystal

I believe the daily crystal should be tied to the in game calendar. I have an alarm everyday to go off when I can claim my daily paragon crystal. Today my alarm went off at 10:13am PST and since the game is down I can’t claim my crystal.
I wouldn’t stress losing time on daily crystals, it’s just not worth the heartache.
It's literally the same thing, you just take away the requirement to be on by a specific time or risk that time getting pushed back. Sure, losing a few crystals over the course of the year isn't the worst thing to happen to a player, but everything else in the game that is 24-hours sticks to an exact time regardless of when you login to take advantage of the rewards. Why shouldn't the daily crystals?
My personal example - I woke up in the middle of last night and got mine (after falling asleep much earlier than usual after a hectic day) and now I probably won't get my next daily until 6 hours later, when I resume my normal sleep cycle tonight.
Just something that could be much simpler and can be easily implemented based on all the other daily calendars they do.
It’s easier for everyone to maintain their own schedules. I feel for OP missing time as it adds up over years, but it’s not that big of a deal.
My daily crystals are currently set about 9 hours from the daily calender and i would be more than thrilled w the change. The vast majority would be and even those that wouldn't be would likely benefit from the change.