Wrong Prestige

I have never really worried about prestige. So maybe I am looking at it wrong. I have both Thor Rags and BWCV at R3. BWCV is sig 20 and Rags sig 113. How does BWCV have higher prestige? She is supposed to be rank 47 and him 4 in prestige.
It shows her at 18820 and him at 18500
It shows her at 18820 and him at 18500
ere are pictures
Prestige is Hero Rating with no masteries at all.
also all champs have different base crit dmg so increase in that area with masteries effect them differently.
and another thing, in game prestige is also calculated by the base rating not with the end rating its showing on the champ. thats why the charts are in place, if you simply rank those champs up you will have the BASE prestige higher than say someone with a same rank but different champ.
These are the actual prestige of both of your champs.
Prestige doesn't change based on the above. If you were to reset all masteries off, have no boosts on and go into your champs, that number you see would be their prestige.