Bring out your garbage!

In the 1960's I.B.M. had a saying that was pounded into their programmers!
They knew that useless code in a program could cause it to crash!
It occurs to me that part of this games issues relate to the massive amounts of garbage in the game! Garbage like the many special items created for a single monthly event! Like prayer cards for 2018
And like randomizers!

This morning i went into the Dormamu side quest to use up these
But they are no longer in the drop down boost menu! Although they are still in my inventory! I am concerned that they are going to become a permanent part of my "no longer useful side event items collection!
What is in your locker from previous special event? Show us! Show kabam!
Why??? Because i believe all the garbage floating around in this game at the very least contributes to some of the issues we are dealing with in game now!
So bring out your garbage to kabam can see it!
They knew that useless code in a program could cause it to crash!
It occurs to me that part of this games issues relate to the massive amounts of garbage in the game! Garbage like the many special items created for a single monthly event! Like prayer cards for 2018

And like randomizers!

This morning i went into the Dormamu side quest to use up these

But they are no longer in the drop down boost menu! Although they are still in my inventory! I am concerned that they are going to become a permanent part of my "no longer useful side event items collection!
What is in your locker from previous special event? Show us! Show kabam!
Why??? Because i believe all the garbage floating around in this game at the very least contributes to some of the issues we are dealing with in game now!
So bring out your garbage to kabam can see it!
Garbage is garbage! In a landfill or a program or an app! It stinks things up!
And just because it is "out of sight out of mind" doesn't mean it could not be impacting game play!
You could reroll your enemies buffs if they were too crazy or not suitable for your team.
The first iteration was fun but pretty tough!
All i have to say in conclusion! Is that when you got no answers for the game behaving like it does??? Every "THEORY" That has even a possibility of having a positive impact on things in the game need to be seriously considered and not just poo poo'd!
Garbage effects programs and computers performance! That is a known and provable fact! Why then is it such a stretch to believe that could be one of this apps issues? Garbage!
After nearly 7 years maybe it is time to do some cleaning.
In OP's picture, they 25/25 of L4 Health pots but are complaining about 6 tickets, 8 re-roll dice and some boosts for a SQ. Never mind the other boosts down below etc.. The MODOK's dice have been in there for years. They aren't causing the issues period.
The clean up they do deal with things on the servers that require calls to that server i.e crystal pulls. These boosts don't make those calls the way the crystals do. Your inv stash isn't anything that will effect the game. If that was the case then they should cut down on the amount of the types of arena boosts, quantity of pots, revs and sig stones you can hold.
Even though we could assume that no call is made to the server, thus not impacting other aspects of the game. It’s a know phenomenon in development/ software that the more bloat you have, the more potential for unintended interaction aka bugs there is.
Now, let’s say they really only take server space in the backend, who’s to say those databases are always up to date, with the right security features and patches etc… no matter how you look at it, it’s not unreasonable to get rid of legacy artifacts. And in term of user experience, the inventory would become a much easier place to navigate.
Do they solve the input issues in any way, we don’t know. But it’s still a valid point to clean up the junk nonetheless.
Bunch of Mr Fantastics out here stretching.