I'm sorry, but WHAT? (ft. the best game advice I have yet received)

SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
edited June 2022 in General Discussion
Okay, so I have been around this game for a while...... so I have seen some hot takes, and have agglomerated quite a bit of knowledge about the game over the years. I cannot, however, begin to understand the levels of basic logic and beginner research that was used to construct this article. I need not even explain the truth, but will call out a few points here and there for pure amusement.

Let us start with the most quintessential of advice: the tier list.
  • Iron Man? Top notch. Magneto, Diablo, Kingpin? Not even worth your time.
  • Mole-man? Basically as good as Beast.
  • These are totally all of the characters in the game. No more. Not to mention that the beginning of the article said "May 27, 2022: We added Captain Britain and Omega Sentinel to the MCOC tier list." ....... No, you didn't.
  • Instead of limiting the champions shown to the most basic champions that are available to newer players (the kind who would actually want to read this article), the following champs were included: Goldpool & Thanos.
Next, we have an entertaining paragraph. Take a gander:

  • "spending" crystals? Sure. Not even a huge deal.
  • The big issue: "if you want higher-rarity heroes, you'll have to use units". Let that sink in for a moment.
  • "units, the paid currency," I will give this a pass, because they do later claim that you can earn them through arenas and other aspects of the game.... which really just seems like they read the description of units and wanted to prove that they knew that "arenas" was actually an in-game term and they knew something about them.
Next on the train of confusing journalism:

  • The whole title of the section is rerolling champions, yet one sentence is spent on it.
  • It seems like they actually think Premium Hero Crystals are named accordingly.
One of my absolutely favorite parts though is a continuation of the "receiving a premium crystal" vein:

I legitimately could not stand to leave this article as it is (eg. without commenting). At first I thought, "How quaint, this post must be from the early days of the contest when things were different and new and there is a slightly more understandable excuse to not get facts right." Oh how wrong I was. This is from

Source: https://www.gfinityesports.com/mcoc/tier-list-fighters/

Please tell me this is a spoof site. Or that in some other country, two weeks ago was April (May?) Fools. I don't want to believe that someone actually published this.


  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
    Just to get it out of the way:

    "Hi sorry-but-what-?, I'm Squirrel-dad"
    *waves to child*
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    "Since you don't get ten free pulls in Marvel Contest of Champions, it's not really possible to reroll properly" Lmao what are they trying to say here?

    Also I love how it mentions 3 times that you can get a free premium hero crystal, that's their best selling point. I genuinely want to know who took the time to write this and what exactly they researched to get to it.
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Not sure but I think reroll is like what you do in some other RPG(?) maybe, where you restart the entire game to get a good champ(s) to help you progress better. Like imagine the first crystal you get in game is a 5* nexus that can be attained 20 minutes in. If you get a good champ you go with it else you restart the game and start from beginning till you get there and "reroll".

    Again this is just peripheral info I've gotten from the forums mostly and others
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    edited June 2022
    Someone definitely got asked to write this article, said yes, then realised they didn’t know anything about the game. In order not to disappoint their boss they downloaded the game for an hour, then tried to write the article and hoped that nobody ever pointed it out to their boss.
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,633 ★★★★★
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    Dang, I’ve been doing this game all wrong.

    Excuse me while I clear my kabam data to reroll my account.
  • mortenhymortenhy Member Posts: 492 ★★
    Hahahaha that article is a joke 🤣, I have to agree with you, it has to be some kind of very old article or a prank.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,122 ★★★★★
    Tell me you don't actually play the game without telling me you don't actually play the game.
  • Total_Domin01Total_Domin01 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    I do believe they made their tier list off of who they like in the comics
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,426 Guardian
    I guess all those Prima Guide authors had to find something to do.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,122 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    I guess all those Prima Guide authors had to find something to do.

    I know hands down you would have done one with more Justice
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