
This happened? What? Like a month ago! Why are we getting this now?
Also, there remains a bug in the dailies!
If you choose to have your champions do the auto fight in the quest rather than spending energy to "auto complete" it, the dailies lock you up just the same as the energy refill bug. So why is that being ignored and suddenly we are getting mail about them?
Why are some bugs getting attention and others being ignored and hidden away?
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on
Maybe kabam shouldn’t tell us anything
If you are having crashing issues please send a ticket to support. Forums won’t help that.
I don't recall many answers, but it seemed pretty likely that an alternative/potential future version of the quests was released by mistake.
As I expected then, the accidental easier version is now confirmed as the new version. So they've made the Proving Grounds easier, like they have with Acts 4 and 6.
That's a good thing. It's also the kind of thing that will be associated with bugs and mistakes.
Rap, you really should try to start seeing these things as mistakes and accidents rather than evidence of some widespread Kabam conspiracy.
And i would say it is more than half! Certainly more than half my alliance is complaining. But they don't bother coming in here to read or to post because of all the passive aggressive bulling.