Carina challenge reward missing

Hi admin team
I new to the forum here, not sure am I doing the right thing to report the issue here, I did some of the carina challenge but I never claim the reward but after the update, those rewards are gone. Can you please give me back my rewards? Usually with minor bugs here and there I will just live with it, but the carina challenge was a hard earned reward, not easy to come by, (at least for me) this is the reason why I come to the forum
I new to the forum here, not sure am I doing the right thing to report the issue here, I did some of the carina challenge but I never claim the reward but after the update, those rewards are gone. Can you please give me back my rewards? Usually with minor bugs here and there I will just live with it, but the carina challenge was a hard earned reward, not easy to come by, (at least for me) this is the reason why I come to the forum
It happened on June 3 when my rewards were gone and a couple of hours later, they returned to my account. But now, they disappeared from my account on June 6 and haven't been in my account. I am hoping that once the Carina objectives are put back, my rewards will return. But there is no guarantee.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra
Maybe Kabam should put the objectives back for a day and take note of which accounts still have unclaimed rewards to compensate. I don't want to redo all 4 of the objectives again that I have completed or have the objectives taken away from my account along with my missing rewards
I did some of the carina challenge but I never claim the reward. after the update, those rewards are gone.
I'm not saying you deserve for the rewards to not be given to you, just completely puzzled at the train of thought that led you here...
Best of luck with getting the items...