Please don’t leave compensation up to RNG!

So the game is a mess and there’s really no end in sight. I’ve been cautiously optimistic that they’ll eventually figure this out.
I’ve worked around all the issues but recently I’ve been thinking that the nature of compensation is to provide reparations for the inconveniences we’ve suffered beyond our control. Because of this I hope that our compensation doesn’t revolve around basic six star crystals or even Nexus crystals because the odds aren’t ever in our favor.
If all I have to show after suffering all of these maddening gameplay issues is a choice between 6 star Superior Iron Man, Green Goblin and Rhino then that in no way compensates me for these issues. I’m sure there will be rank up materials provided as well which is great but many of us play the game to acquire new characters and when it comes to compensation they need to take out as much RNG as possible.
My point is that this would be the perfect time to unveil the long awaited wish crystals or at the very least give us the 10 champ Nexus so we can actually be properly compensated for our patience and trouble and get a champion we want or can use.
I’ve worked around all the issues but recently I’ve been thinking that the nature of compensation is to provide reparations for the inconveniences we’ve suffered beyond our control. Because of this I hope that our compensation doesn’t revolve around basic six star crystals or even Nexus crystals because the odds aren’t ever in our favor.
If all I have to show after suffering all of these maddening gameplay issues is a choice between 6 star Superior Iron Man, Green Goblin and Rhino then that in no way compensates me for these issues. I’m sure there will be rank up materials provided as well which is great but many of us play the game to acquire new characters and when it comes to compensation they need to take out as much RNG as possible.
My point is that this would be the perfect time to unveil the long awaited wish crystals or at the very least give us the 10 champ Nexus so we can actually be properly compensated for our patience and trouble and get a champion we want or can use.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
That seems shortsighted. These aren’t freebies. This is a repayment for supporting this game while it is undergoing extreme technical difficulties. Because of that we should all feel good about the compensation we receive, not just those who have good RNG and pull great champs.
I'm not known for my memory, and I couldn't find the thread super easily, but if someone else can actually provide a link or a screenshot, that would be cool.
If instead this is a gift to thank us for the troubles we've endured, then really anything unrelated to revives and potions would be great. Shards, rank-up materials, Nexus crystals, glory -- whatever. This kind of compensation should be viewed as a gift and accepted as such. It does not replace anything we lost.
You are referring more to apology type items vs compensation. The 5/6* Nexus's and T5CC were more of a "thanks for sticking with us" items. They'll probably include those types of items again but They aren't going to give you a 6* Herc or 6* Generic AG or R4 materials. You won't get units either.
Thank you for the clarification.
I’m happy because I got a new Immortal Abomination but I feel for those who got stuck with a terrible nexus.
I know this is a game that revolves are RNG , but I again go back to the position that if this is an apology and thank you for sticking with them, Kabam really should have eliminated some of the RNG and gave out crystals with more options.
Just my 2 cents.