Yondo awaken and rank up?

munnaivai23_munnaivai23_ Member Posts: 75
edited June 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Hey guys!
I got yondo and he is still at r1. I got a gem too. I liked the buff but not much but i saw this video https://youtu.be/C8tjt30nr3s so i am now thinking of ranking him up. Shud i awaken him and rank him up?
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on


  • munnaivai23_munnaivai23_ Member Posts: 75
    I badly need to rank up a tech .... my other options are HB and low sig guardian .
  • odishika123odishika123 Member Posts: 5,414 ★★★★★

    I badly need to rank up a tech .... my other options are HB and low sig guardian .

    Do Guardian bro
    You won't regret it
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,069 ★★★★★
    It depends on what you need the champion for. Hulkbuster is a ton of fun and my favorite of the three, but Yondu will handle a lot of tricky mutant champions much better than either of the other two do. Guardian, meanwhile, probably has the most utility. If you need to be able to tackle energy damage-heavy fights, he is the best option (when you get his sig up).

    I would recommend that you use Yondu in arenas vs various mutants in order to see how he fares. If you've got any of them yourself, you could use him in practice mode vs them. If you like what you see, rank him up. There are precious few champions that can deal with prowess on the opponent, and while Yondu isn't the best, he's definitely an alternative and that's huge if you don't have Nimrod or War Machine.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,191 ★★★★★
    I have Yondu at r2 and I like him - heck, I did a thread post-buff. He's definitely decent now.

    But I really covet an Awakened Guardian. I don't have him above a 4*, but the utility on that guy... Parry projectiles, no crit hits, burst damage, armour up, autoblock; resistance enough to take on bleed nodes, Incinerate nodes, shock, coldsnap..

    Take up Guardian, dude 😉
  • mortenhymortenhy Member Posts: 492 ★★

    I badly need to rank up a tech .... my other options are HB and low sig guardian .

    Guardian is so underrated...if you can him to a high sig, you will not regret it.
  • munnaivai23_munnaivai23_ Member Posts: 75
    mortenhy said:

    I badly need to rank up a tech .... my other options are HB and low sig guardian .

    Guardian is so underrated...if you can him to a high sig, you will not regret it.
    Now he is sig 70 ..... i may take 2 months to get him max sig
  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    If you need a prowess countering champ and don't have a better one, then yes. However if you don't see yourself fighting a lot of saurons kitty prides then probably take up one of the other techs. He is also good against wmags, both storms
  • munnaivai23_munnaivai23_ Member Posts: 75
    Storm i cheese her as i have 4 points in MD and some decent mystics. Kitty can be countered by guardian too. I have an r2 kitty too so not of a problem
    Malreck04 said:

    If you need a prowess countering champ and don't have a better one, then yes. However if you don't see yourself fighting a lot of saurons kitty prides then probably take up one of the other techs. He is also good against wmags, both storms

  • munnaivai23_munnaivai23_ Member Posts: 75
    So i would invest sigs in guardian and rank up him. Playing him is fun too and his dmg is so good
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