13k Prestige looking for Map5/4 alliance

baskinrobbinsknowsbaskinrobbinsknows Member Posts: 284 ★★★
Hi all. I'm looking for an alliance who does Map 5, but I'll settle for Map 4 if the fit is right. Here's the thing with me; due to my work/life schedule, I don't do AW. Also, since its only Map 5/4, theres no reason for me to use Line or any other communication apps. Again, I'm busy with my schedule and don't have time to be checking out social media apps just to be told I need to move. Also I am on the game three times a day which are around noon, 5-6 and 9-10. PST is where I'm at.

If this doesn't work for your alliance, I understand. Either way, thank you for your time and consideration.


  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,133 ★★★★
    I think our alliance will work for you. We do map 544 and get around 4K in glory per cycle. You can pick either map 5 or 4. As long as you clear a paths we don’t care.we have one big that finished within7 hours of AQ starting and the other two will be done the next day. We have one optional war so if you don’t want to do war that’s fine. I game name is aydennoah1. Hit me up.

  • HERUHERU Member Posts: 138 ★★
    Hi mate!
    We're a life first alliance playing 2bgs AQ map 4 with modifiers (sometimes map5) and 2bgs AW.
    So whenever you feel like, you can join and clear your nodes.
    Many veterans and boss killers.
    We all have jobs and families but still have fun with the game.
    No Line required.

    Pls add me in game if interested!

  • Heisenberg128Heisenberg128 Member Posts: 168
    hello baskinrobbinsknows ,

    we run map 5x5 and earn 4300 glory every week. We ask our players to join line app but if you can assure me that you will take care of your path without joining line app then i am more than happy to take you in. my IGN is heisenberg128 and my alliance tag is DTEN. Please let me know if this would interest you buddy.
  • ribsandbbqbeef69ribsandbbqbeef69 Member Posts: 22
    We’re looking for a member if you’re interested. We run map 5. No aw. Our alliance is The New Avengers. My username is ribsandbbqbeef. We’ve got members in a few times zones so there’s never a rush or delays during aq.
  • Buck9studioBuck9studio Member Posts: 178
    Hmu in game @ buck9studio. We are stable and just need someone to do thier part. Have retirements after this season. We have no comm or strategy just play smart but AW is mandatory and you are on plenty to take out 4-5 defenders.
  • baskinrobbinsknowsbaskinrobbinsknows Member Posts: 284 ★★★
    Thank you all for your interest. I did not think I'd get a single response, let alone five. I joined someone here and look forward to working with them. Thanks again.
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