Summoner Appreciation 2022

edited June 2022 in Suggestions and Requests
Will the summoners be shown appreciation this year with a calendar of appreciation?
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,593 ★★★★★
    Kinda early for information about that.
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    We might get a calendar or some event but not sure if it'll show appreciation or not
    Doing what they do throughout the year & then throwing a mediocre event or calendar in name of "appreciation" probably doesn't really make players feel quite appreciated
  • Killswitch01Killswitch01 Member Posts: 684 ★★★

    I would not be in favor of how they did last year

    Yeah. Last year was a chore
  • ArbenBishaArbenBisha Member Posts: 85
    last year was garbage, the rewards were massively outdated.
    I appreciate everyone commenting on their appreciation of summoners appreciation calendar. Let’s hope all of that appreciation finds it’s way to those who should appreciate the power that they have to show us that appreciation...I for one would be appreciative of the calendar of appreciation.
  • Camby01Camby01 Member Posts: 572 ★★
    I want whatever you all are smoking. Summoner appreciation? Is that what you want to hang your hat on? Good luck with that daydream.
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