130k healthpool in act 4??

in the last few days i explore act 4 for mastery points+units and i run all of it in auto fight.
but in some paths i get ko'd every time,and i'm play with 6* r2+r3. then i noticed that there is defenders with a huge healthpool in some paths (relative to act 4) and they're not even the bosses or the mini bosses.
is this a mistake or intended?
this healthpool looks a little weird for Act 4.
thanks for your answer, I didn't know that.
i don't use him a lot,but he was useful in some paths and against some bosses in act 7.
personlly,i like his playstyle and animation so i ranked him up. if you like him so go for it,i think he is great even if not duped.
Try OG Falcon
Edit: I see the auto fight now…my bad
I’m just kidding u bro