Test of valor

Stara99Stara99 Member Posts: 426 ★★
What am I missing? The first one at 1pm eastern told me I wasn't eligible because I wasn't in alliance long enough. When I've been here for months and another hasn't started for me? Is it bugged for some?


  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,950 ★★★★★
    It was a bug. It's been fixed. They trigger randomly by earning Valor. You'll have to wait until you or someone triggers one.
  • StarFighter0717StarFighter0717 Member Posts: 39
    They get triggered randomly when your ally mates or yourself gain valor from sources, the larger the amount collected from a single source, the more likely chance one spawns for a user.
    The one that came right when the event quest started was a bug & wasn’t supposed to be entered.
  • boffelboffel Member Posts: 1
    can you participate immediately in these bounty quests and earn valor if you go to another ally? or is there a waiting period?
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