Did the last update fix your lags/glitches issues ?

Did the last update fix your lags/glitches issues ? 105 votes
5 votes
79 votes
Only partially
21 votes
This discussion has been closed.
Edit : just checked AQ (Q5). Lags.
Thanks but it's not the point of this thread. You're talking about a bug. This poll is only about gameplay.
This should answer your question...
That's the question ^^
try this is if u play with android : http://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/30707/how-try-fix-lag-glitch-android-tested#latest
Thx. I'll give a try... when the game will be available xD
I don't see any reason to delete it... It's nothing more than a poll. It's a simple question with simple answers as well.
Not sure at all it comes from graphics. For me, the game is super smooth after an emergency maintenance or server crash... So it should come from kabam' servers.
I don’t want to know how much they made from releasing blade it’s annoying they just need to revert back to before 12.0 and rework it from there again I payed for a new iPhone 8+ from the 5s hoping it would be better it’s not
5 ppl in my alliance got him, we are 10 mill but aren't spenders, the were all features. Kabam has a black out on bugs. Such a shady company.