Really think about it community!

the year and a half of issues dying almost every week on content you never died on before using resources in content you never had to before. For OVER 365 days we endured evolving AI, Evolving bugs, and many other issues being swept under the rug. does this compensation really cover all the losses, and frustration created by the game?
Kabam team did you guys really agree on this comp... 90% of the comp is already used and the crystals are RNG with a slight chance of something decent. RNG and resources provided do NOT cover the length of issues (that some are still present by the way) we've endured.
think really hard people is this how easy it is to buy out your happiness? as people have stated before there was a comp in july of 2020 that had the same if not better ratio of rewards for that time.... just really think about that.
good luck people, the burden of the game is being lifted off the shoulders of those finding peace of quitting the game or not spending anymore, thats where everyone should be heading soon.
Kabam team did you guys really agree on this comp... 90% of the comp is already used and the crystals are RNG with a slight chance of something decent. RNG and resources provided do NOT cover the length of issues (that some are still present by the way) we've endured.
think really hard people is this how easy it is to buy out your happiness? as people have stated before there was a comp in july of 2020 that had the same if not better ratio of rewards for that time.... just really think about that.
good luck people, the burden of the game is being lifted off the shoulders of those finding peace of quitting the game or not spending anymore, thats where everyone should be heading soon.
Your expectations for this "compensation" also might have been exaggerated. I use quotes because these are gifts not replacements for things I used because of input issues. These are merely a gift as thanks for dealing with these issues.
In terms of placating the vocal masses on this forum, Kabam was never going to win no matter what they put in the package.
If these guys could buy my happiness with a six star Crystal, I’d let them in a heartbeat.
But it doesn’t work that way, so instead I opened the compensation and enjoyed the dopamine rush, enjoyed the moment of planning what I’m going to do next based on the changes in my account, and I think I’ll move on now.
Find happiness where you may.
im glad so many people did not experience what myself and a huge number of others had to. had to adapt to new playing styles almost every month just to be hit with more changing bugs. personally i think they might start winning its community over once they start to actually listen to our voices, and maybe compensate its people with resources that were actually used during the bugs rather than aw/aq resources that were very situational. Not to mention loads of people dont play that content so those resources were wasted on them. as big as kabam is youd think theyd do better imo.
but there will be plenty of people such as yourself who either dont care or accept whatever is given and thats fine. some of us care more about our invested time tho. just some food for thought i guess
I love this game, and I think in general Kabam means well, and I get they're also a business and have to make good business decisions. Wait until EoP is over, and give the people something they'll really benefit from. Just my two cents.
Why is there even a crowd of people who are so against people receiving a small package of help? How do you benefit? How are you hurt if it would have happened? What difference does is actually make if they would have thrown in the above items?
The gifts were nice yeah, but there’s no amount of compensation that would make me happy to play a game not performing how it should.
Im just questioning the logic of why you think Kabam should.
I’m not “against” more items being given. I agree it would be a nice gesture. But there’s room in this discussion for nuance, it’s not us vs them, for or against compensation. If you make a claim for more compensation, I don’t have to just agree with you based on your logic if I think that logic is flawed.
I don’t think “they should give us what we lost” is a good enough reason, because they already did each month. Where i stand is if they gave us extra items I’d be happy, but I’m not going to die on a hill for it. I’m not flat against it as you’re trying to portray.
This issue has had 2 large comp packages and weekly AQ/AW comp and monthly questing comp.
My point is that they didn’t “just give us what we lost,” they gave a few items a month to reduce complaints and help out with the issues we were having, NOT to replenish items we may have used or lost. It’s also wild to think that people only used 5 revives a month, if that were the case then the bugs likely wouldn’t even be an issue.
Ok, so if you don’t think 5 revives per month is enough. Why did you ask for 5-10 revives in your original post? One second you ask for 5-10 revives, the next, you say that 5 revives isn’t enough. I’m just trying to get to the bottom of what you’re asking, because it seems like you ask for 5-10 revives to recover what we lost. But then a second later, 5-10 revives isn’t enough, and it’s not to recover what we lost.
I’m not following this either: “they gave a few items a month to reduce complaints and help out with the issues we were having, NOT to replenish items we may have used or lost”. What is “helping out with the issues we’re having” if not replacing what we lost. If the issues are input issues that cause revives to be used and therefore lost, how is giving us revives not helping with what we have used? This just seems inconsistent.