Class nexus decision assistance

SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
Alright, so many TB players and above will be receiving a class nexus for rewards from EOP. Does anyone have an updated spreadsheet to predict which class would be best? Figured you could plug your work here on forums for everyone to appreciate.


  • LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,226 ★★★★★
    I think it just depends on your needs. I recently switched to suicides and r3’d my unduped tigra. Because of that, I’ll probably go for mystic to duper her or finally pick up Diablo even though the mystic nexus might be the worst option
  • KiptonadeKiptonade Member Posts: 276 ★★★
    Mutant is still the strongest class but I’ve been lucky enough to pick up all the mutants I want so I’ll be going for cosmic
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    In terms of chances to get a good, useful champ, for me it is mutant or cosmic.

    But like is said above, depends more on what your roster needs.
  • edited June 2022
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  • Logan00Logan00 Member Posts: 692 ★★★
    I am between mutant or cosmic, for mutant : kitty, archangel, apoc, although I have all 5* rank 5 except kitty whom I don't have as 5*. For cosmic , Hercules, dupe KG, CGR, Hyperion, Venom, even Angela and Odin , so probably will go cosmic
  • hippieryandude0415hippieryandude0415 Member Posts: 3
    It really depends on your need. I'm pretty stacked at mutant so that would be wasteful to me, although I think it's the best class to get a great champ. Cosmic is also a great choice because there's so many good options. Personally I'm lacking in science and skill so I might go that route.
  • Sean_WhoSean_Who Member Posts: 618 ★★★
    Want to go cosmic for Herc, wouldn't be mad at KG dupe.

    But realistically going to have the most luck with Mutant. Still hunting Apoc and Kitty, plus lots of dupes I still want.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,439 ★★★★★
    edited June 2022

    Alright, so many TB players and above will be receiving a class nexus for rewards from EOP. Does anyone have an updated spreadsheet to predict which class would be best? Figured you could plug your work here on forums for everyone to appreciate.

    I simply went to and sorted by class, used a Red-Yellow-Green rubric to rate the impact of each champ on my roster and it becomes pretty clear. It’s a nice visual if you screenshot and drop your color coding onto each class portrait.

    For what it’s worth, my calculation changed a lot yesterday when I awakened Herc. Cosmic was my #1 and is still pretty good, but now less urgent. I had Cosmic and Science neck and neck but will probably pick Science now.

    Dr. Zola
  • MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★ is a great site to use for this. Check your rooster and check what the crystals offer you. Anyway remember, when in doubt, Mysterio.
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
    Honestly, I just didn’t want to put in the effort to find a list of champs in the basic pool, but it probably won’t make too much of a difference.
  • Noise72Noise72 Member Posts: 337 ★★★
    Cosmic for me. Need dupes on Hype, Knull, or Angela. Also still hunting for Herc.
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