So, Kabam, about adding in Gorr....

Can you please not do us dirty and give us that lame looking one from Love and Thunder? We already got plenty of symbiote lore pre-established in this game, so no need to distance him like the movie looks like it's doing. Alien Gorr is best Gorr, not some albino Christian Bale.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
LMAO, good one.
(NB: Shang-Chi was not released at the same time as the movie, so don't start. And Domino doesn't count because that wasn't an MCU movie)
Guy looks like a reject from House Harkonnen.
BTW when I googled images from the comix (to see what you meant), Gorr is white skinned, so not sure what you're going on about it anyway. main difference seems to be a missing nose and black cape.
Just give gorr a chance