Looking for new members to replace leaving/retiring players

Hi all,
We're a friendly and supportive group. Very organized, very active. We get AQ/AW done quickly and get back to real life.
Our mission statement -- "the most rewards for the least amount of time/stress/resources"
Alliance Details
- Must have LINE and have notifications on
- AW: We we’re Gold 1 Tier 5 (Pushing into Plat 4) but due to recent players leaving etc we have dropped to G3 for now, this coming season we have already recruited some great players and only need a couple more then we are expecting to be back at gold 1 pushing plat 4
- AQ: Mix of map 6&7 (300m-350m+ weekly AQ score)
- Prestige 12k+
- Actively participate and clear your lanes in AW and AQ.
Come min/max rewards with us.
Contact me at LINE ID: Kingleo1st
We're a friendly and supportive group. Very organized, very active. We get AQ/AW done quickly and get back to real life.
Our mission statement -- "the most rewards for the least amount of time/stress/resources"
Alliance Details
- Must have LINE and have notifications on
- AW: We we’re Gold 1 Tier 5 (Pushing into Plat 4) but due to recent players leaving etc we have dropped to G3 for now, this coming season we have already recruited some great players and only need a couple more then we are expecting to be back at gold 1 pushing plat 4
- AQ: Mix of map 6&7 (300m-350m+ weekly AQ score)
- Prestige 12k+
- Actively participate and clear your lanes in AW and AQ.
Come min/max rewards with us.
Contact me at LINE ID: Kingleo1st