6* roster question

Mentalboy1Mentalboy1 Member Posts: 181
Hi all, I feel like my 6* roster is lacking any real great champion. I have a few meh or ok ones. As they are expensive gold and resource to rank up I am only working on maxing at level one.

Are any worth R2 am I being too harsh?

Now I loved my 4* one but feel he is now outdated

Mr Sinister
My first one, he is handy at times esp with my kingpin synergy

Too low health for my style of play

Same as wasp

Agent venom
Feel he is lacking something

Can not get on with him at all

Red skull
Seems like could be useful but nothing makes me go wow

Silver centurion
Just pulled him so don't know what he is like yet

Omega red
I feel like he is a great champion but as unduped not great, plus I don't use suicides

King Groot
Amazing health pool, bit slow though. On the fence at the momentum

Love to hear your thoughts and if I'm sitting on a great champion I'm not aware of. At moment ranking my 5* champs instead.


  • SceptilemaniacSceptilemaniac Member Posts: 1,247 ★★★★
    Honestly, if that's all the 6 stars you have, you're better off investing in 5 stars for now. King groot and Silver Centurion might be worth ranking up somewhere down the road.
  • MattDRKMattDRK Member Posts: 199
    I would say King groot, but i think is better for you to invest resources on 5 star, 6 star rank 2 is the same as a 5 star rank 5.
    Once you get any champion which you like as 6 star, rank him up.
  • Jeal79Jeal79 Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    I have my Silver Centurion at R2 with no regrets.
  • UnobtainiumClawsUnobtainiumClaws Member Posts: 209 ★★
    KG is a great investment. I wouldn’t hesitate taking KG up if I were you.
    I have both Wasp and HE at R3 and use them regularly.
    6* is almost always better to rank up. Unless, the 5* is a champ you absolutely need.
  • PowerOfACandlePowerOfACandle Member Posts: 351 ★★★
    Silver centurion and king groot.
  • The_HoTUThe_HoTU Member Posts: 445 ★★
    Agent Venom if you've Kraven And Scorpion synergies is great. Else, King Groot is also pretty good.
  • Dash855Dash855 Member Posts: 239
    Wasp and king groot are both very deserving of r2 imo
  • Mentalboy1Mentalboy1 Member Posts: 181
    Thanks all. Still practising with king Groot still not sure yet. Would love wasp but I get hit to much lol. Going to try centurion more too
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