Alliance Quest game crash issues

Dawill876Dawill876 Member Posts: 8
Just want to report game crash issue, while in the middle of an AQ matchup the game crashed causing the opponent to return to full health and halving the heath of my champion. I am not the only one in my alliance that has suffered this kind of issue with the same result. Just wanna let know in case you are unaware of the issue so it can be dealt with.


  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,694 ★★★★★
    Happened to me 3 times yesterday. Win the fight, game freezes on the victory screen and when I restart the game, I’ve lost 50% health and the enemy is at 100% as if I never did the fight. You’re not alone. Very frustrating.
  • Baron427Baron427 Member Posts: 84
    Happened to me twice already this week
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