Alliance war off season rating not increasing

I am an officer of an alliance in gold 3 and we'e decided to push off season war to start season 35 at least in gold 1-2 tier 5-6. But we've noticed that in the current war the rating for victory is set to 0. From season 11 only the alliance war rating for tier 1 to 5 is set to 0, while for tier 6 to 9 is only decreased, not set to 0. So what's going on with the rating?
Post edited by Kabam Jax on
Original picture was still while war was taking place, and was showing the possible +/- adjustment as being 0.
Post-war, did the War Rating actually change, even though it said beforehand that it would be 0 ?
I don’t care either way but need to strategise accordingly
at the end of 2nd offseason war, that ended today this war the rating score +0
I know you've already done it, but the support ticket seems like the way forward on this one. Hopefully they can give you more insight into the issue!
If I hear any more regarding a solution I'll use this thread!
is it going to be fixed or left is the real question
Below are screenshots of our wars where we lost but ratings are not changing, we are tier 7 we would like to plan strategy for future wars
This seems to be affecting multiple alliances (three in this thread so far, and one more in a totally separate thread), so it doesn't look like the type of issue that support can assist with.
once I re clarified. (I posted the screenshots but admin deleted them possibly for my mocking tone lol) It’s still locked, first off season war wasn’t, but the rest have been, it’s been fun being able to use the 1 loyalty revives, ain’t bothered at all just it seems it was accidental so will it be fixed. Just want to strategise