My EOP pull ππ₯

I got my most wanted favorite champ, I will R3 him.

I don't have him as a 5 star, now I got 6 a star LOL, he has good Regen, energy damage, simple play style, incinerate, and literally poison and incinerate immune. But his block proficiency is a joke though. I think he needs a little tune up, but I want his tune up without changing what he has now, just add some utilities like petrify, power burn or power sting, extra fury would be good too.
But KABAM don't touch what he has now!!!!!
And any fan of rulk tell me where he can shine, node, synergy or quests.

I don't have him as a 5 star, now I got 6 a star LOL, he has good Regen, energy damage, simple play style, incinerate, and literally poison and incinerate immune. But his block proficiency is a joke though. I think he needs a little tune up, but I want his tune up without changing what he has now, just add some utilities like petrify, power burn or power sting, extra fury would be good too.
But KABAM don't touch what he has now!!!!!
And any fan of rulk tell me where he can shine, node, synergy or quests.
Without sig he's not completely incinerate immune, any passive (longshot, kitty) will deal damage. Once duped, he should become resistant to it at some number of charges, but mine is also not duped. Second best hulk in game, he was actually my first r2 6*, I believe. No synergies needed, great for most mystics, nodes that apply incinerate or poison debuffs, a little slower anywhere else, but works pretty much the same. He's nice to have for domino and she hulk, but doesn't benefit as much as they do, not even close