Mole-Man true accuracy removed during Frenzy.



  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,758 ★★★★★
    Read better the champions' description next time before investing on them.
  • Rudolph_RaindeerRudolph_Raindeer Member Posts: 333 ★★★
    edited July 2022
    What?! We get a rank down ticket. Who cares? It is not hard to get t5cc anymore. What about all the signature Stones we have put on Moleman? These are hard to come by, and they are just “lost” now.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    The fact that this change is functionally a nerf whether or not it is a bug fix is the correct conclusion. It's what I argued earlier on this thread, and I'm happy that Kabam has acknowledged it. I was hoping that they would take longer to make a decision as issuing RDTs almost certainly means they will not reverse the change. I'd like to know the reasoning behind this decision. If the way he was working was game breaking, how so? If it wasn't, why not just put a popular champ back the way he was? No one enjoys ranking down a champ they loved, and it's stupid to have a sig 200 ranked down champ. Without restoring sig stones the RDTs are an empty gesture. It looks to me as though they arrived at the correct conclusion and still made the wrong decision.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,162 ★★★★★
    The issue here is what if people spent units on cavs for him or grinded arena , cant really refund that
  • mortenhymortenhy Member Posts: 492 ★★
    Moleman was my first R3, and I think it was in may we could get T5CC selectors in sidequest... I used so much energy and I also bought offers with 5tcc selectors, only to R3 Moleman...all that money and all those selectors, boosters, etc I put into him, we are not getting that back...I'm happy for the rank down ticket's, but I have invested so much time in this champ... sorry for the english spelling I'm danish.
  • AntsiouAntsiou Member Posts: 191 ★★
    I’m curious about the ramifications of using a rdt. Here’s some scenarios:
    - how many rank down will it cover? Can I take my 6* r4 back to r1? What’s the cutoff for ranking down?
    - if I used a r3 to 4 skill gem from act7 exploration, will I get the gem back?
    - if I used a generic 3 to 4 from 4th July deal, will I get a generic back?
    - If he’s one of the 3 r4 champs that got me the paragon title, will ranking him down make me thronebreaker again?
    Would love some clarification before rdt are issued @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,346 ★★★★★
    edited July 2022

    I won't use him for his TA anymore.. Yes he won't be time efficient against evaders and autoblockers, but his guaranteed crits/bleeds/mega sp2 is still a nuke for BG.

    Nuke against r4 defender, no suicides

  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 881 ★★★★
    It’s a shame. Champ wasn’t busted.
    Seems unnecessary but I guess someone in Kabam HQ sat in front of a spreadsheet and worked out this “fix” will sell a few more health potions.
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★
    At this point, it just not worth trying to explain to Kabam why this was the bad solution for everyone (company and players), a lose and lose solution. At the end of the day I just have to remind myself it is just a game, I will try to have fun with it where I can and spend my time, energy and money elsewhere.

    I have missed the official response from Kabam regarding the rank down ticket. If anyone know where it is could be so kind to drop the link to it, many thanks.
  • AntsiouAntsiou Member Posts: 191 ★★
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  • SHIELD4AGENTSHIELD4AGENT Member Posts: 915 ★★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    As per this post in News and Announcements:

    With v36.0, we made changes to Mole Man to bring his game play in line with his champion description. We were aware of the community sentiment around this choice and I assured you we would continue conversations behind the scenes.

    We acknowledge that the weight of this issue lies in: we failed to communicate over a prolonged period of time regarding this bug, and as a result it essentially became a nerf. We apologize for the way this was handled.

    As a result, we have decided to grant rankdown tickets to all players with a 5- or 6-star Mole Man. This is an effort to give our summoners the choice to handle the situation how they please.

    These tickets will be available in the next week or two and will have an expiry date attached to them. They will be accessible through your in-game mail.

    will I get RDT too even if I ranked up my 5* Mole Man to rank 3 just because I did it for the level up event where I ranked up a few 5* during that 24hr solo event?

    might sound stupid but this is my first time, will get the iso and catalysts back? if not, then I'll just let him be r3 lol,still serves me in arena though.

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  • Sean_WhoSean_Who Member Posts: 618 ★★★
    Shneids said:

    @Kabam Miike has there been other discussions about a choice compensation for the nerf? Like create a nexus crystal to obtain, a RDT, a 6-star nexus, t5b/t2ac, other? Or free relics (when avail) to be used with Moleman. I for one do not plan to use the RDT for moleman, my thoughts are to give the summoners a choice how (based on roster/progress) what would make them better.

    Why should anyone get the option at a 6 star nexus? You either like how MM works after the nerf and you keep him – or you don't, and you rank him down.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    edited July 2022
    Just for clarification, it was always a bug fix. The nerf comment from Jax was acknowledgement that we felt that way, not to add to confusion. That's how I read it, anyway.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    As for changing it back, I don't see it as likely that they recreate bugs, intentionally that is. (For the side comments. Lol)
  • mortenhymortenhy Member Posts: 492 ★★

    mortenhy said:

    MBogusz said:

    Yeah I’ll take an rank down ticket now please. This has been something he has been able to do for literally years, this completely changes him. I’d like my catalysts back please

    Literally years? No. Since his buff last February. He's been bugged that long. His kit literally states it falls off during frenzy.
    Wrong. It clearly without any doubt states that if you activate frenzy below 10 monstermass and you keep it below 10 monstermass, he will still have true strike.
    Ok this is just plain wrong. No where in his kit did it state so
    Well I'm danish so I could be wrong when it comes to english... and if I'm wrong I at least can learn something new...but that's how me and many of my fellow players have debated that that was the purpose of the description. We always thought that the bug was that when going above 10 monstermass (in Frenzy or not) you kept true my opinion the description can mean 2 different things:

    1. You keep True accuracy (in Frenzy or not) if you are below 10 monstermass.
    2. You loose true accuracy when above 10 monstermass (Frenzy or not).

    I'm not to judge what is right, but I'm just saying that the description can confuse us as players, specific due to we had a lot of posts regarding this (if they still exist) last year and nothing was done about it.
  • mortenhymortenhy Member Posts: 492 ★★

    mortenhy said:

    MBogusz said:

    Yeah I’ll take an rank down ticket now please. This has been something he has been able to do for literally years, this completely changes him. I’d like my catalysts back please

    Literally years? No. Since his buff last February. He's been bugged that long. His kit literally states it falls off during frenzy.
    Wrong. It clearly without any doubt states that if you activate frenzy below 10 monstermass and you keep it below 10 monstermass, he will still have true strike.
    Fun fact. You keep true accuracy above 10 monster mass if you went into frenzy under 10. Enjoy it for two more days.
    That's not a fun fact? That's how it has been for 16 months??
  • mortenhymortenhy Member Posts: 492 ★★
    edited July 2022

    I've used Moleman for a while now. Before the buff. I'm aware of how he operates. People are just catching on now because they barely even touched him until the buff.

    How do you know Kabam didn’t want to change how he worked after his buff?

    Right, we can’t. Because Kabam never said whether it was a bug or not.
    Clearly they did, if they're fixing it.
    How did you know that before last week when it was announced?
    I've noticed it wasn't working for some time. It's already been posted. There was no need for me to repost the issue.
    What are you talking about?

    I’m saying without Kabam’s confirmation either way we had no way to tell if it was a description issue or a bug.

    What you’ve said there is quite clearly nothing to do with what I asked.

    How did you know that Kabam viewed it as a bug without them confirming it?
    That's a very good question mate... I would really like to know the answer on this one.
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,630 ★★★★
    At the very least, communication is improving.
    They communicated the change both in this thread (which could be hard to find in posterity but addresses those who are knee deep in this thread), and as an official news announcement (easier to find).
  • mortenhymortenhy Member Posts: 492 ★★

    @007Bishop @KrazyKilroy Lol. I totally agree with you both. People who don't read a champs spotlight or even watch their deep dive video, are the same people who ask their Alliance who should they rank up on their roster. These players are so annoying. I just awakened and R3 The Overseer knowing he could be bugged because it doesn't say that he could stun with his SP1 while hitting into a block. If Kabam decides to fix this I'm not gonna **** and wine. I'll be like, "Well, party's over I guess," and move on.

    So new players are annoying you? Sorry if I misunderstand your post, but that's why alliances use Line app etc... to help each other when needed... there's so much information in this game and it's impossible to keep track of everything...of course players should ask their alliance who to rank up if they have are probably a high end player, but not everyone is... again, I'm not talking english like ever, so I apologize in advance if I misunderstood your post.
  • Upanddown_69Upanddown_69 Member Posts: 251
    mortenhy said:

    mortenhy said:

    MBogusz said:

    Yeah I’ll take an rank down ticket now please. This has been something he has been able to do for literally years, this completely changes him. I’d like my catalysts back please

    Literally years? No. Since his buff last February. He's been bugged that long. His kit literally states it falls off during frenzy.
    Wrong. It clearly without any doubt states that if you activate frenzy below 10 monstermass and you keep it below 10 monstermass, he will still have true strike.
    Ok this is just plain wrong. No where in his kit did it state so
    Well I'm danish so I could be wrong when it comes to english... and if I'm wrong I at least can learn something new...but that's how me and many of my fellow players have debated that that was the purpose of the description. We always thought that the bug was that when going above 10 monstermass (in Frenzy or not) you kept true my opinion the description can mean 2 different things:

    1. You keep True accuracy (in Frenzy or not) if you are below 10 monstermass.
    2. You loose true accuracy when above 10 monstermass (Frenzy or not).

    I'm not to judge what is right, but I'm just saying that the description can confuse us as players, specific due to we had a lot of posts regarding this (if they still exist) last year and nothing was done about it.
    Wait- am I wrong… if I drop a single heavy, hold my block, go into frenzy, I lose true accuracy, yes?

    Doesn’t this have nothing to do with the number of MM? Frenzy with any # of MM disables it.

    Against evade champs, that’s what I do- drop a single heavy, and then finish the fight w frenzy.

    Am I understanding this right guys?
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